Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows > Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools >

Installing Oracle Database XE for the Local Database for Siebel Tools

When you install Siebel Innovation Pack 2015, Patchset 5 or later for Siebel Tools, you can install a new local database that uses Oracle Database XE as the database platform. Use the procedure in this topic to install Oracle Database XE and the local database for Siebel Tools.

To be able to install this local database, you must have included Oracle XE Local Database, as well as Siebel Tools, when you created the Siebel network image for the patchset release. For more information, see About the Siebel Network Image.

The information in this topic complements the existing documentation for installing the applicable Siebel Patchset release. For more information, see Siebel Patchset Installation Guide for Siebel CRM, 1614310.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. See also About Siebel CRM Releases.

NOTE:  With Siebel Innovation Pack 2015, Patchset 5 or later for Siebel Web Client, you can also install the Siebel Sample Database that uses Oracle Database XE. For more information, see Installing the Siebel Sample Database That Uses Oracle Database XE. However, you can install Oracle Database XE for only one of these databases on the same computer: either the local database for Siebel Tools or the sample database for Siebel Web Client. If one of these databases is already installed, then this database's DBF file is overwritten if you install the other database.

NOTE:  For Siebel Innovation Pack 2015, the local database for Siebel Tools and the sample database for Siebel Mobile Web Client can use either SAP SQL Anywhere or Oracle Database XE. The local database for Siebel Mobile Web Client uses SAP SQL Anywhere. SAP SQL Anywhere is not available for new deployments after September 2015. For more detailed information on how this change affects Siebel Tools and Siebel Remote, see Siebel Release Notes on My Oracle Support for Innovation Pack 2015 (Doc ID 1996273.1).

Additional steps are necessary to prepare the local database for use by the Siebel Tools developer. After installing Oracle Database XE and the local database for Siebel Tools, you must run a script to update this database based on your company's database customizations and based on the particular developer who will use this local database. For more information about this task, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

When you specify to install the local database, Oracle Database XE and the local database are installed silently: no screens are displayed for the Oracle Database XE installer itself. If Oracle Database XE is already installed for any reason, then it is not installed again, but the local database is still installed. If Oracle Database XE was previously installed for any non-Siebel use, then you must uninstall it before proceeding.

If you installed the Siebel Patchset release for Siebel Tools, but did not install the local database that uses Oracle Database XE, and you later decide to install this local database, then you can do so by uninstalling this Siebel Patchset release, and then reinstalling it with the local database option selected.

NOTE:  Oracle Database XE and the local database are not uninstalled when you uninstall the Siebel Tools software, in either a full uninstallation or a rollback uninstallation. For information about uninstalling Oracle Database XE, see Uninstalling Oracle Database XE.

Optionally, you can install the Siebel Patchset release for Siebel Tools, with Oracle Database XE, in unattended mode, as described in Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools in Unattended Mode.

To install and use Oracle Database XE, you must have the 32-bit Oracle database client installed on the developer computer. For more information, and for the version of Oracle Database XE that is installed with Siebel CRM, see the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support. See also the documentation for Oracle Database Express Edition on Oracle Help Center.

To install Oracle Database XE for the local database for Siebel Tools

  1. As appropriate, check in any changes you have made to objects in your existing local database.
  2. Review all applicable requirements for installing Siebel Innovation Pack 2015, Patchset 5 or later.

    For example, you must have included Oracle XE Local Database when you created the Siebel network image for Siebel Tools, for version 15.5 or later. For more information, see About the Siebel Network Image.

  3. Start the installer for Siebel Innovation Pack 2015, Patchset 5 or later for Siebel Tools.
  4. In the Local Database Credentials screen of the Siebel Patchset installer, specify that you want to install the local database. Also specify the following information:
    • The user name and password for the developer user for this installation of Siebel Tools.
    • The path to the installed 32-bit Oracle database client.
  5. Follow additional prompts to complete the Siebel Patchset installation.
  6. Update the tools.cfg file, as follows:
    • In the [DataSource] section, add the following line:


    NOTE:  When starting Siebel Tools with the local database, the developer specifies LOCAL_XE as the data source.

    • Add a new section, similar to the following:

    Docked = FALSE
    ConnectString = LOCAL_XE
    TableOwner = SIEBEL
    DLL = sscdo90.dll
    SqlStyle = OracleCBO
    MaxCachedCursors = 16
    MaxCachedDataSets = 16
    ReverseFillThreshold = 100
    CaseInsensitive = FALSE
    InsensitivityFactor = 2
    FileSystem = c:\fs
    GatewayAddress = CHANGE_ME
    EnterpriseServer = CHANGE_ME
    CurrentSQLID = CHANGE_ME
    MaxCursorSize = -1
    PrefetchSize = -1

    NOTE:  The FileSystem parameter value shown is an example only. The value must correspond to the location of the existing Siebel File System on the local computer, which you specified when you first installed Siebel Tools, as described in Installing Siebel Tools as a New Installation.

  7. After installing the Siebel Patchset, verify the Siebel Tools installation, as described in Verifying Installation for Siebel Tools. Also verify the Oracle Database XE installation, as described in Verifying Oracle Database XE.
  8. To prepare the local database for use by the developer user, run the local database setup script.

    For more information about this task, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

Related Topics

Installing Siebel Tools

Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools in Unattended Mode

Installing the Siebel Sample Database That Uses Oracle Database XE

Verifying Installation for Siebel Tools

Verifying Oracle Database XE

Uninstalling Oracle Database XE

Related Books

Siebel Patchset Installation Guide for Siebel CRM, 1614310.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support

Configuring Siebel Business Applications

Using Siebel Tools

Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide

Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.