Oracle® Fabric OS 1.0.2 Security Guide

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Updated: November 2016

Security Principles

These topics describe the fundamental principles that are required to use any application securely.

Keep Software and Updates Up to Date

Stay current with the version of the Oracle Fabric OS that you run. You can find current versions of the software to download at My Oracle Support (

Restrict Network Access to Critical Services

Keep the Oracle Fabric OS on devices that are on a secure management network. The devices should not be internet facing.

Follow the Principle of Least Privilege

Grant the user or administrator the least privilege that is required to accomplish the task to be performed. The Oracle Fabric OS has various roles that can be granted to users. These roles grant different types and amounts of privilege.

Monitor System Activity

Monitor system activity to determine how well the Oracle Fabric OS is operating and whether it is logging any unusual activity.

Keep Up to Date on Latest Security Information

You can access several sources of security information:

  • For security information and alerts for a large variety of software products, refer to

  • Run the most current version of Oracle Virtual Networking software and refer to its documentation.