Oracle® Fabric OS 1.0.2 Security Guide

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Updated: November 2016

Set High User Password Strength

In this example, the password for non default local user accounts must be at least eight characters with at least three lower case, two numbers, two special characters, and one uppercase.

  1. Log in to the Oracle Fabric OS.

    Refer to Log In to Oracle Fabric OS (SSH) in Oracle Fabric OS 1.0.2 Administration Guide.

  2. Set the password strength.
    [OFOS] set system password-strength -min-length=8 -min-lower-case=3 -min-number=2 -min-special=2 -min-upper-case=1

    For more information on using the Oracle Fabric OS to set a strong password, refer to Set System Password Strength in Oracle Fabric OS 1.0.2 Administration Guide or set system in Oracle Fabric OS 1.0.2 Command Reference.