3 DIVAdirector Daily Operations

You monitor DIVAdirector daily to insure proper operation, storage capacities, orphaned files, user interaction, successful backups, and general system health. If you discover any anomalies that you are uncertain of or how to handle them, contact Oracle Support for assistance. This chapter will discuss your daily operations routine.

Check Available Storage Capacity

In your initial DIVAdirector configuration you identified system storage locations and the limits for each location. Storage locations will fill up over time during normal use. You must check the remaining available space for each location daily. If a storage location is reaching it's limit, you must either migrate some (or all) of the data to another location (for proxy data - refer to "Proxy Migration Tasks") or configure a new location (refer to "Storage Location Configuration").

Use the following procedure to check your storage locations and remaining available space:

  1. Click Proxy Storage Manager on the DIVAdirector Server Configuration screen to load the Proxy Manager.

  2. Review the storage locations on the Proxy Locations tab.

  3. Check each location's Status Icon (in the first column) to identify the current storage location status. The icon descriptions are in "Proxy Location Operational States."

    If the location's state is something other than operational (and you did not manually set it that way), you must identify why it is the current state and if necessary resolve the issue. You use the server logs and Drop folder logs to help identify issues. If you are unable to resolve the issue and need further assistance contact Oracle Support.

  4. Check the Used and Available columns to identify how much of the storage space is filled and how much is left available (respectively) for each location. You will need to decide if additional space is required, if data must be migrated to another location, or if the location is adequate in the current state.

  5. To add a new storage location refer to "Storage Location Configuration."

  6. To adjust the storage space limits refer to "Configure the Proxy Location's Storage Size."

  7. To migrate data to another storage location refer to "Proxy Migration Tasks."

Next you will check for orphaned files.

Check for Orphaned Files

Throughout daily user interaction with DIVAdirector, you will occasionally get some orphaned files. Orphaned files are files that were placed in a Drop Folder and had the wrong format, different encapsulation than configured for the folder, or they do not exist in the database. The system identifies it as unrecognized and moves the files to a special Orphan Folder. You identified the Orphan Folder during initial configuration (refer to "Drop Folder Configuration").

Use the following procedure to locate and act on orphaned files:

  1. Open Windows File Explorer.

  2. Navigate to the Orphan Folder you configured for your first Drop Folder.

  3. Identify what each file contains that exists in the folder.

  4. Once you know what the file is, decide whether to 1) repair whatever caused the file to be placed in the Orphan Folder and re-drop it into the Drop Folder for re-processing, 2) move the file to another storage location, or 3) delete the file.

    Determine the action you take on each file by abiding by your internal organizational policy and the importance of the file.

Next you will check the user interaction with audit trails.

Check Audit Trails

You check the audit trails to review system and user activity performed on specific objects. This is useful for general system overview and in the event errors occurred while a user was trying to perform an action on a specific object.

The Audit Trail screen displays user interactions with the DIVAdirector system. You can filter the display by Action, User, Time Period (From and To), Object Name and Object Category using the options on the right of the screen. The Object Name and Object Category fields in the filter can contain partial words.

For example, use the following procedure if you are searching specifically for actions performed by a user in the Marketing Department on an object named MySportsVideos and having the object category MOV:

  1. Enter Mark in the Organization field and select the Organization check box.

  2. Enter My in the Object Name field and select the Object Name check box.

  3. Enter MO in the Object Category field and select the Object Category check box.

  4. Click Apply Filter on the bottom right of the screen to locate the object.

    This procedure will locate the object if it exists in the audit trail.

Clicking Export on the top right of the screen will export the filtered (or unfiltered) audit trail to a file usable for tracking general system usage or errors.

Confirm Successful Backup Completion

System backups are necessary and extremely important in disaster recovery. You must verify that the backups you created during initial configuration are completing successfully and saved to the proper storage location. You cannot restore a corrupt backup file, so you should check them daily.

Use the following procedure to check the backup files:

  1. Open Windows File Explorer.

  2. Navigate to the storage location you designated in the initial system configuration.

    Refer to "Automated Backup Configuration" if you need a reminder of where you set the backup storage location.

  3. Check the creation date and time of the latest file in the folder. Confirm that the date and time match the backup schedule.

  4. Check the system log files for errors related to the backup job. Refer to "Checking Log Files" for the procedure to use.

If a corrupt or unsuccessful backup is discovered, use the procedure described in "Performing a Manual Backup" to try performing a manual system backup before attempting to troubleshoot any issues.

In the next chapter you will find system maintenance tasks that you will use occasionally.