Replace a Pilot Power Supply

Power supplies, which exist in pairs, provide DC to all of the Pilot components. If one power supply fails, the other supply carries the full load. This situation creates a risk of Pilot failure should the other power supply also fail.

  • Before handling a component, touch a grounded surface to discharge any static electricity.

  • Attach an electrostatic discharge (ESD) wrist strap to your wrist, and stand on an ESD mat while replacing components.

  • Ensure that you have a similar replacement power supply available before you start the replacement procedure.

  • Initiate Guided Maintenance only when you are able to replace the power supplies immediately.

Each Pilot has a pair of power supplies that are located at the back of the Pilot. Power supplies are customer replaceable units (CRUs). Replacing a failed power supply does not require you to bring the Pilot offline, provided that the other power supply is online and working. The following figure shows the location of the Pilot power supplies.

Figure 1: Location of the Pilot power supplies

 Location of the Pilot power supplies 
1 Power supply (PS-0 on left)
2 Power supply (PS-1 on right)
Note: To replace a power supply, the left side of the CMA must be disengaged from the end of the slide before the power supply can be pulled out. Disengaging the CMA reduces the risk of damaging the cables.
Important! Do not remove the failed power supply until you have a replacement power supply to ensure proper airflow in the Pilot.
Note: After you have replaced power supply (PS–0), you must reset the Oracle ILOM service processor (SP) to propagate the key identity properties (KIP) data to the new power supply. Power supply (PS–1) does not contain KIP data, and therefore does not require an SP reset after replacement.