Oracle® EDR InfiniBand Switch and Virtualized I/O Systems Hardware Security Guide

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Updated: September 2016

Software Security

Most hardware security is implemented through software measures.

  • Refer to the switch documentation for additional guidelines to implement security features within the firmware.

  • Refer to the OFOS and OFM documentation to enable any security features available for the software suite.

  • Manage the switch out-of-band through the SER MGT port. This port is separate from data traffic and the general network.

  • If out-of-band management is not feasible, then dedicate a unique VLAN number specifically for in-band management.

  • Change all default passwords as soon as possible when installing a new switch. The switch has one default user account, root. The root user has superuser privileges. The default password is changeme. Change the password with the Oracle ILOM set /SP/users/root password=password command, preferably before the switch is connected to the network.

  • Schedule and regularly change every password on the switch, especially when configured with additional user accounts.