Check Detail (CDTL)

Table 20-16 Check Detail Export Format

Field Field Type Description

Record Type

Varchar (255)

String must contain CDTL.

Revenue Center Number

Numeric (10)

Local revenue center number.

Order Type Number

Numeric (10)

Local order type number.

Check Number

Numeric (10)

Check number.

Business Date


Business date of the transaction.

Transaction Date Time


Date and time of the transaction.

Detail Type

Numeric (10)

1: Menu Item

2: Discount

3: Service Charge

4: Tender/Media

5: Reference

6: Reference with Tender/Media

7: Check Transfer

Price Level

Numeric (10)

Price level at which the item was sold.

Record Id

Numeric (10)

Point-of-Sale reference for the detail type.

Void Flag

Numeric (10)

Indicates whether the transaction was voided.

Return Flag

Numeric (10)

Indicates whether the item was returned.

Line Quality

Numeric (10)

Count shown by the check.

Line Total

Numeric (12,2)

Total shown by the check.

Report Line Quantity

Numeric (10)

Count posted to reports.

Report Line Amount

Numeric (12,2)

Total posted to reports.

Employee Number

Numeric (10)

Local Point-of-Sale reference number for the employee that processed the transactions.

Reference Info

Varchar (255)

Reference recorded for the detail type.

Reference Info 2

Varchar (255)

Reference recorded for the detail type.

Do Not Show

Numeric (1)

This line is used for reporting. If the value is set to 1, this line is hidden.

Master item POS Reference number

Numeric (10)

Point-of-Sale reference number for the Item Master.

User Workstation Number

Numeric (10)

Local Point-of-Sale reference number for the workstation.