Employee Change Tracking

You can use Employee Change Tracking to monitor changes made to employee records. When a user modifies employee information, the system generates a record and uses it to populate the Employee Change Tracking Report. This report details the change itself, the date of the change, and the individual who made the change.

For example, Chrissy Smith has recently married and decided to take her husband’s last name. Chrissy’s manager accesses the record, but accidentally updates Christy Smith’s last name. If changes to the last name are being monitored, then the Employee Change Tracking Report shows the update to Christy Smith’s record rather than Chrissy Smith’s record. Another example of when this feature may be useful is if a disgruntled manager accesses the system with the intent of destroying human resources information such as social security numbers or banking information. If these fields are being monitored, a record of the change is preserved and you can revert the data back to its accurate state.

In Employee Change Tracking, you are required to select a table or category and the field from that table that you want to monitor. Table or category options include:
  • Job Rate

  • Employee

  • POS Configuration