Configuring Employee Availability

  1. In Reporting and Analytics, click Labor Management, and then click Human Resources.
  2. In Human Resources Administration, click Employee Availability.
  3. Search for and select the employee that you want to configure, and then click Edit.
  4. If the employee needs to work more hours or less hours than the default values configured for the location, in the Employee Work Rules section, enter the Minimum Hours and Maximum Hours the employee must work for the entire week and for each day of the week.

    Work rules, which are configured in Payroll Preprocessing, creates guidelines for the number of hours that an employee can work per day and per week. On the Employee Availability page, these values are meant solely as a guideline. If an employee needs to work more hours or less hours per day or week, you can make those updates on this page and save for that individual employee.

  5. In the Employee Availability section, click Add, and then select the employee’s availability:
    • Time Segment: Select the category of employee availability. Preferred Time, Unavailable Time, or On Call Time.

    • All Day Event: Select this option if the time segment lasts the entire day.

    • Start of Week: Select the start day for the employee’s time segment.

    • Start Time: Select the start time for the employee’s time segment.

    • End Day of Week: Select the end day for the employee’s time segment.

    • End Time: Select the end time for the employee’s time segment.

  6. Repeat Step 5 for all other employee availability specifications, and click Save.