Employee Availability

Human Resources provides an area in which to configure employee availability. Availability works hand-in-hand with the Scheduling application for the generation of schedules. When accurate employee availability exists, the Scheduling application is able to take the data in the system and create a comprehensive schedule at the click of a button. Availability is based on both the employee’s provided availability, as well as the organization’s work hours and work rules applicable to that location.

Availability is classified by one of three categories or Time Segments as labeled in the user interface (UI):
  1. Preferred Time: The times or shifts the employee has requested to work.

  2. Unavailable Time: The times or shifts the employee has designated as unable to work.

  3. On Call Time: The times or shifts the employee does not typically work, but is available for scheduling if needed.

For employees who have regimented schedules for various reasons such as to avoid coinciding with child care or other jobs, the Employee Availability feature helps to alleviate the stress surrounding schedules. Employee Availability, which has traditionally been provided to scheduling managers on scraps of paper, is a potentially error filled job. Since Labor Management is able to save availability, creating a schedule is simpler, quicker, and less stressful.

You do not need to configure availability times for every minute of every day. If availability details are not entered for an employee, that employee is neither considered available nor unavailable for certain shifts and is scheduled randomly.

Availability Time Segments for Preferred Time and On Call Time must not overlap Unavailable Time. If an overlapping time is entered into the system, an error message appears and the data is not saved. For example, an employee cannot have a Preferred Time set as Monday 4:00 p.m. until 9:59 p.m. and an Unavailable Time configured as Monday 12:00 p.m. until 4:59 p.m.