4 Deploying Oracle Software on Oracle Database Appliance

This chapter provides a checklist of tasks to deploy Oracle software after you have established connectivity to Oracle Database Appliance as described in Chapter 2, "Preparing for Oracle Database Appliance Installation and Deployment.". Deploying Oracle Database Appliance software requires approximately 1 hour to complete for bare metal installations and about 3 hours for virtualized platform deployments. The extra time for virtualized deployments is required to complete additional steps and because some operations take longer when configuring virtual domains.

Each task in this chapter identifies whether it applies to a bare metal platform, to a virtualized platform, or to all platforms. Take care to perform only the tasks designated for a deployment on your platform: tasks 1, 3, 4, and 5 are for Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform deployments, tasks 2, 4, and 5 are for Oracle Database Appliance bare metal deployments.

You can repeat a failed deployment, or perform a new deployment to convert from a bare metal to a virtualized platform, or from a virtualized to a bare metal platform, after running a cleanup script as described at the end of this chapter.


If you are planning to convert from Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform to a bare metal deployment, first check with My Oracle Support to confirm that you have a compatible image installed.

See Also:

Oracle Database Appliance Setup Poster for an overview of the deployment process

Deployment Tasks: An Annotated Check List

You must complete the deployment tasks in the order that they are listed. However, some tasks are not needed for bare metal deployments and other steps are not needed for virtualized platform deployments. When you are not required to complete a task for your type of deployment, continue with the next required task.

Task 1: Check Oracle Database Appliance Virtualization Status (Virtualized Platform Deployments Only)

To check whether Oracle Database Appliance has a virtualized platform image installed, log in as root with the password welcome1 and enter the command oakcli show env_hw. If the output contains the value VM-Dom0 along with the model of your hardware, then you can proceed with deployment of Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform as described in the next section. If the command does not produce the required output or generates errors, then you must install the Oracle Database Appliance virtualized platform image.


Find instructions to install the Oracle Database Appliance virtualized image in the My Oracle Support Note 1520579.1 at https://support.oracle.com/CSP/main/article?cmd=show&type=NOT&id=1520579.1

After installing the virtualized image, you may need to reconfigure your initial network as described in "Configuring Initial Network Connection".

Task 2: Install the End-User Bundle (Bare Metal Platform Deployments Only)

You must install the end-user bundle on Oracle Database Appliance before you deploy any other software. This requires downloading the appropriate patch file to your external client and then copying and installing the patch as described in the following steps.

  1. From an external client machine, log on to My Oracle Support and access note 888888.1 at


  2. In the Latest Releases section, find the link to the patch described as "End User Bundle (GI+RDBMS)."

  3. Click the link to download the current Oracle Database Appliance end-user bundle patch onto the client system (desktop or laptop).

  4. Copy the end-user bundle patch to a location on Oracle Database Appliance (for example, the /tmp directory) using a secure copy (scp) command by navigating to the folder on your client where you downloaded the end-user bundle patch, then enter a command similar to the following (which shows an Oracle Database Appliance Release 2.10 file):

    scp p12978712_210000_Linux-x86-64.zip root@oda_host:/tmp

    This example assumes that you set up a static IP address with the host name oda_host and configured Oracle Database Appliance with that address using the oakcli configure firstnet command. Refer to Chapter 4 of the Oracle Database Appliance Administration and Reference Guide for details on the oakcli configure firstnet command syntax and usage.

    Alternatively, place the end-user bundle patch onto a USB storage device that you make accessible on Oracle Database Appliance. Go to go to the location of the end-user bundle image on the device.


    Format any USB drives as FAT32, ext3, or ext4. NTFS file formats are not supported.
  5. Use the command syntax oakcli unpack -package /directory_path/package_name to unpack the Oracle Database Appliance software, where directory_path is the path where the end-user bundle patch file is located.

    For example, if the end-user bundle patch file for Oracle Database Appliance Release 2.10 were in /tmp, then the following command would unpack p12978712_210000_Linux-x86-64.zip:

    # oakcli unpack -package /tmp/p12978712_210000_Linux-x86-64.zip

    The oakcli unpack command unpacks the bundle patch, and places the extracted files in the directory locations required for deployment.

Task 3: Install the ODA_BASE Template (Virtualized Platform Deployments Only)

You must install the ODA_BASE template on Oracle Database Appliance before you deploy any other software. This requires downloading the appropriate ODA_BASE template to an external client and then copying the template to your Oracle Database Appliance as described in the following steps.

  1. From an external client machine, log on to My Oracle Support and access note 888888.1 at:


  2. In the Latest Releases section, find the link to the patch described as "VM Template (ODA_BASE)."

  3. Click the link to download the current Oracle Database Appliance ODA_BASE template onto your external client.

  4. Use an scp command to copy the ODA_BASE template from the external client to Dom0 on Node 0. Use the /scp or /OVS directory as the target location.

    Alternatively, you could place the ODA_BASE template onto a USB storage device and copy the template once the USB device is visible on Oracle Database Appliance.


    Format any USB drives as FAT32, ext3, or ext4. NTFS file formats are not supported.
  5. Log in to Dom0 as root on Node 0 of Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform and copy the ODA_BASE template to the /OVS directory on Dom0 if it is not already there. Remain logged in to Dom0 while you complete the remaining steps in this task.

  6. Use the command oakcli deploy oda_base and respond to the prompts to deploy ODA_BASE. This command automatically deploys ODA_BASE on both nodes. If your ODA_BASE template is in the /OVS directory, then your deployment dialog should look similar to the following example (values, such as the number of available CPU cores, differ between Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform hardware platforms):

    # oakcli deploy oda_base
    Enter the template location: /OVS/templateBuild-2012-12-22-12-05.tar.gz
    Core Licensing Options:
            1.  2 CPU Cores
                    2.  4 CPU Cores
    3.  6 CPU Cores
    4.  8 CPU Cores
    5.  10 CPU Cores
    6.  12 CPU Cores
    7.  14 CPU Cores
    8.  16 CPU Cores
    9.  24 CPU Cores
    10. 36 CPU Cores
                    Selection [1 : 6] : 3
                    ODA base domain memory in GB (min 16, max 244)(Current Memory 150G)[default 192]  : 32
  7. The oakcli deploy oda_base command also enables you to assign one or more virtual local area networks (VLANs) to your ODA_BASE. To deploy VLANs, respond with y when prompted for additional VLAN networks, and respond with n when you have no (or no more) VLANs to deploy, as shown in this partial example:

    Additional vlan networks to be assigned to oda_base ? (y/n) : y
    Select the network to assign [Test00,Test01,Test02,Test03]: Test00
    Additional vlan networks to be assigned to oda_base ? (y/n) : y
    Select the network to assign [Test00,Test01,Test02,Test03]: Test01
    Additional vlan networks to be assigned to oda_base ? (y/n) : n

    See Also:

    Oracle Database Appliance Administration and Reference Guide for more information about VLANs on Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform
  8. When the command completes, verify that your deployment of ODA_BASE is valid by running the show oda_base command. Examine the output to confirm that ODA_BASE is configured as shown in the following example.

    # oakcli show oda_base
    ODA base domain
    ODA base CPU cores :2
    ODA base domain memory :16
    ODA base template :/tmp/oda_base_2.10.tar.gz
    ODA base vlans :['priv1', 'net1', 'net2', 'net3', 'net4', 'db_mgmt']
    ODA base current status :Running


    If you have problems and need to cleanup and start again with a new ODA_BASE deployment, then first run the following command from Dom0 on Node 0:

    This command will remove ODA_BASE so that you can try a fresh deployment.

  9. If you are deploying Oracle Database Appliance X3-2, Oracle Database Appliance X4-2, or Oracle Database Appliance X5-2, then Oracle recommends that you check the storage cabling before continuing with deployment. To perform this check, connect to ODA_BASE on Node 0 using root for the user name and welcome1 for the password. After connecting, run the following command:

    # oakcli validate -c storagetopology

    The command will display errors if the cables between the two nodes and the storage shelf or shelves are not in the correct sockets.

Task 4: Prepare to Run Oracle Appliance Manager Configurator (All Platform Deployments)

Log in to Node 0 of Oracle Database Appliance as the root user with the default password. If you are deploying on Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform, then you need to connect to ODA_BASE through VNC using dom0 for the Hostname and 5900 for the Port.

If you want to deploy from a configuration file that you created offline, as described in "Creating an Oracle Appliance Manager Deployment Plan" then copy the configuration file to Oracle Database Appliance using a command similar to the scp command used to copy the patch in Step 4 of your previous task. If you are deploying on Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform, then you need to copy the file from Dom0 to ODA_BASE using another scp command to send the file to the internal IP address You can place the configuration file in the /tmp directory for convenience, or into a more permanent location for future use.

Run the command startx to ready the X Window System for Oracle Appliance Manager configurator.


Set the DISPLAY variable in your terminal window if the oakcli deploy command fails to open the Welcome window in Oracle Appliance Manager configurator.

Task 5: Deploy Your Configuration (All Platform Deployments)

You must have a configuration file to deploy Oracle Database Appliance. You can use a file that you created earlier with the standalone Oracle Appliance Manager configurator or build a new one at this time. You can also use a configuration file previously built and saved on Oracle Database Appliance.

To initiate the deployment using an existing configuration file, enter a command similar to the following, substituting your file's name and directory path as necessary:

# oakcli deploy -conf /tmp/onecommand.param


Do not use a configuration file created for an earlier version of Oracle Appliance Manager configurator. If you do not have a current configuration file, then complete a real-time configuration and deployment as described in the following step.

To initiate a real-time configuration and deployment, enter the following command:

# oakcli deploy

Follow the instructions to complete the Oracle Appliance Manager configurator screens given in "Creating an Oracle Appliance Manager Deployment Plan". Select the Install option on the configurator Summary page to complete the deployment.

When the deployment is complete on both nodes, you will see the message Oracle Database Appliance Deployment successful.


If you encounter deployment problems and need to cleanup and to perform a fresh deployment, then run the following command on Node 0 (from ODA_BASE domain if you are configuring Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform):


This command restores the servers to their predeployment state. You can then restart the deployment.

Viewing the Oakcli Deploy Log File

The oakcli deploy command creates a log file with the file name STEP* at /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/.