Assisted Service Application Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Overview of the Assisted Service Application >

Common UI Elements

Pages in the Assisted Service application share some common user interface elements for navigating and searching for information.

These elements frame the main page area that displays user data.

Common UI elements in the Assisted Service application are:

  • Masthead. The masthead displays at the top of each page and displays the application name, user name, and links for choosing a language and logging out. For details, see Masthead Element.
  • Mailing Address module (For consumer data only, if Web Services are enabled). The Mailing Address module displays in all pages that a B2C User accesses and displays the user's address.
  • Report Context module (Business users only). Report context information appears on the left side of each page, showing the name of the company, hierarchy, and position the user is assigned to, and which defines the scope of the report data displayed on the page. For details, see Report Context Module.
  • Scheduled Payments module (Not shown for prepay accounts). In the payment-related use cases, a list of scheduled payments appears on the left side of each page in payment-related use cases, showing the payments scheduled by account number and date. For details, see Scheduled Payments Module.
  • Main Menu and Tab menus. A Main Menu and Tab menus on each page provide navigation for individual functions. Each Assisted Service user role (CSRAdminstrator, CSR, and Merchant) see different sets of tab menus. For details, see Main Menu and Tab Menus.
  • Logical Paths. Logical paths show the navigation path to each page and provide live links for navigating back. For details, see .
  • Footer module. The footer displays at the bottom of each screen and displays legal notices and provider contact links. For details, see Footer Element.
  • Paging element. When needed, the paging element appears to let users navigate multiple report pages. For details, see Paging Element.
  • Download and printer-friendly element. Where available, the download and printer-friendly features let users download and print reports. For details, see Download and Printer-Friendly Elements.

Masthead Element

The masthead appears at the top of each page in the Assisted Service application, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Masthead Element

The individual masthead components are described in Table 1.

Table 1. Masthead Components

Text: ORACLE© Billing Insight Assisted Service

Standard Oracle company logo with copyright symbol, and the application name.

Data: User Name

Displays the name of the user logged into the current session.

Data: User Role

Displays the role of the user logged into the current session.

Text and link: Language

Displays the Change Language page. For details, see Change Language Page Elements.

Text and link: Logout

Displays the Logout page. For details, see Logout Page Elements.

Report Context Module

The Report Context module displays when viewing report information for a business or consumer user. The report context displays the following information, which identifies the user's hierarchy position and defines the scope of the report:

  • Text and data (business user data only): Company Name Company name
  • Text and data (business user data only): Hierarchy Name Hierarchy name
  • Text and data (business user data only): Position Position
  • Text and data: User ID User ID

Figure 5 shows the Report Context module.

Figure 5. Report Context Module

Scheduled Payments Module

The Scheduled Payments module displays in all payment-related use cases, showing all payments scheduled for the selected account. The Scheduled Payments module does not appear for consumer prepay accounts.

The Scheduled Payments module contains the following elements:

  • Text and data: Account Number Account number
  • Text and data: Date Date
  • Text (If applicable): No Scheduled Payments

Figure 6 shows the Scheduled Payments module.

Figure 6. Scheduled Payments Module

Main Menu and Tab Menus

Main Menu options appear on the left side of each page and provide access to the functional areas of the Assisted Service application. Tab menus appear across the top of some pages, providing the next level of navigation within a functional area. Some tabs derive from the Self-Service application.

Main Menu and Tab Menus for CSRAdministrator and CSR User Roles

Table 2. lists the Main Menu and tab menu options in the Assisted Service application for the CSRAdministrator and CSR user roles.

Table 2. Main Menu Options and Tabs (CSRAdministrator and CSR User Roles Only)
Main Menu Option
Tab Menus



Billing Account

Billing account tab menus derive from the Self-Service application pages. For details, see Self-Service Application Guide for Oracle Billing Insight.





CSR Users (Available for the CSRAdministrator only)

Pages in the CSR user-related use cases display the following tabs:

  • View. Displays the View CSR Users page.
  • Create. Displays the Create CSR User Information page.

My Account

Pages in the personal account-related use cases display the following tabs:

  • Profile. Displays the My Profile page.
  • Preferences. Displays the Change Language page.

Reports (Available for the CSRAdministrator only)

Pages in the reporting use cases display the following tabs:

  • User Access. Displays the User Metrics page.
    This tab displays the following drop-down options:
    • Locked Out Customer Accounts. Displays the Locked Out Customer Accounts page.
    • Locked Out Customer Service Representatives. Displays the Locked Out Customer Service Representatives page.
    • Locked Out Accounts Reactivated. Displays the Locked Out Accounts page.

Main Menu and Tab Menus for the Merchant User Role

Table 3. lists the Main Menu and tab menu options in the Assisted Service application for the Merchant user role.

Table 3. Main Menu Options and Tabs (Merchant User Role Only)
Main Menu Option
Tab Menus

My Account

Pages in the personal account-related use cases display the following tabs:

  • Profile. Displays the My Profile page.
  • Preferences. Displays the Change Language page.


Pages in the reporting use cases display the following tabs:

  • User Metrics
    This tab displays the following drop-down options:
    • Users Signed In. Displays the Users Signed In page.
    • Unique Users. Displays the Unique Users page.
    • Enrolled Users. Displays the Enrolled Users.
  • Billing Metrics
    This tab displays the following drop-down options:
    • Billing Files. Displays the Billing Files page.

Logical Paths

Logical paths appear on each page and shows the tab and options leading to the page, for example:

  • Assisted Service search functionality: Users> View
  • When viewing an end user's Dashboard: Payments > Make a Payment

Live links within the path let the user navigate back within the same functional tab area.

Figure 7 shows an example of the logical path element.

Figure 7. Logical Path Element

Footer Element

The footer displays at the bottom of each screen and displays legal notices and provider contact links.

Table 4 describes the elements of the footer that appears on Assisted Service application pages.

Table 4. Footer Components

Text: Copyright© 2007, 2015 Oracle.
All Rights Reserved.

The current Oracle copyright statement.

Text and link: About Oracle

Displays the Oracle Web site.

Text and link: Contact Us

Displays the Contact Oracle page on the Oracle Web site.

Text and link: Legal Notices and Terms of Use

Displays Oracle's Privacy Policy Overview on the Oracle Web site.

Text and link: Privacy Statement

Displays Oracle's Privacy Policy Overview on the Oracle Web site.

Paging Element

The paging element displays on detail tables when the number of rows returned exceeds a configured value. Figure 8 shows an example of the Paging element.

Figure 8. Paging Element

Table 5 describes the components of the paging element.

Table 5. Paging Element Components

Paging Num of Total

Text and data.

Page field prompt

Field where the user can enter a specific page number.

Next and Prev buttons

Navigation buttons appear when applicable.

Download and Printer-Friendly Elements

Most reporting use cases derived from the Self-Service Application provide file download and printer-friendly options in the Assisted Service application.

Figure 9 shows an example of the Download and Printer-Friendly elements.

Figure 9. Download and Printer-Friendly Elements

Table 6 describes the components of the download and printer-friendly elements.

Table 6. Download and Printer-Friendly Components


This feature contains the following components:

  • Text and drop-down list: Download List
  • Button: Download
    Action: Displays the File Download dialog for saving the report in the selected format.


This feature contains the following elements:

  • Icon: Printer-friendly
  • Text and link: Printer-Friendly
    Link target: Displays the report in printer-friendly format and displays the Print dialog.
Assisted Service Application Guide for Oracle Billing Insight Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.