Implementation Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Customizing the Payment Consolidator Integration Module > Overview of Processing with a Payment Consolidator >

Payment Consolidation Jobs

The following Command Center production jobs process the data files exchanged with your payment consolidator using templates customized for use in processing your consolidator's files. You must configure and schedule these jobs to run in accordance with your billing cycle:

  • PCAccountEnrollment Job. The Account Enrollment job processes the Enrollment Data File provided by a payment consolidator to bring account information into Oracle Billing Insight for consumer customers who successfully enrolled or unenrolled to use a payment consolidator, or who changed their account information. The PCAccountEnrollment job can produce an enrollment response file with details on the accounts that were processed successfully.
  • PCBillSummary Job. The Bill Summary job generates a file with bill summary information for consumer users who have successfully enrolled to use a payment consolidator with a particular biller. This file is provided to the payment consolidator.
  • PCBillSummaryAcknowledgement Job. The Bill Summary Acknowledgement job processes the bill summary acknowledgement (confirmation) file received from a payment consolidator, updating the summary records accepted and rejected by the consolidator into the Oracle Billing Insight database.

About Payment Consolidator Job Notifications

If one or more errors occur when a payment consolidator job runs in the Command Center, then Oracle Billing Insight sends an email notification to all administrators (or the administrators configured to receive notifications if an alert profile is configured for payment notification jobs). The email contains information about the errors and a link to the corresponding log file. For details about payment consolidator log files, see About Payment Consolidator Job Logs. For details about the content of the email notifications sent by payment consolidator jobs, see Using and Customizing Email and SMS Notifications.

You can configure alerts to narrow the list of administrators who receive email notifications for individual payment consolidator jobs. For details on configuring alert profiles for payment consolidator jobs, see Administration Guide for Oracle Billing Insight.

About Payment Consolidator Job Logs

The payment consolidator jobs generate the following log files that indicate whether the records were processed successfully:

  • PCAccountEnrollment Job. The AccountEnrollment and EnrollmentResponse tasks generate separate log files in this job. If account information is rejected by the biller or consolidator, or if errors are generated by either the AccountEnrollment or EnrollmentResponse task, then the error information is recorded in a log.
  • PCBillSummary Job. This job generates one log file.
  • PCBillSummaryAcknowledgement Job. This job generates one log file.

The log files also capture information about individual records that were rejected. Table 79 describes the content written to the log files based on the payment consolidator job results.

Table 79. Payment Consolidator Log Content
Job Result
Log File Content


No records failed while processing.

The following message appears in the log file: All records were processed successfully.

Partial Failure

Some of the records failed to process or were rejected by the external system (the payment consolidator).

The following information about failed records appears in the log file:

The following accounts are not processed successfully: AccountNumber, ConsolidatorName, BillerName, BillingSystemId, StatusCode, and StatusMessage

All Rejected

If the status code in the file header is not a successful code, then all records were rejected.

The following message appears in the log file: All records are rejected by biller/consolidator.

No Statement

The bill summary was not generated because there is no billing information in Oracle Billing Insight.

The following message appears in the log file: No Statements available for the criteria specified.

For details on configuring the log file location for the payment consolidator jobs, see Implementing Payment Consolidator Plug-Ins.

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