Implementation Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Payment Processing > About Recurring Payment Processing >

User Interface Updates to the Recurring Payments Table

The recurring payment UI lets users insert, update, or delete a recurring payment and view a list of recurring payments. Retrieving and deleting recurring payments from the Oracle Billing Insight database is straightforward. The UI prevents a user from updating a recurring payment from fixed date to before due date or conversely.

The activities performed in the user interface update the data in the recurring_payments table as described in Table 65.

Table 65. Changes in the Recurring Payments Table
Column Name


These two columns record how the payment amount is generated. They are only updated through the UI and are used by back-end jobs to calculate how much to pay. The valid values of AMOUNT_TYPE are:

  • Fixed amount. Pay a fixed amount and the amount value is specified by AMOUNT column.
  • Amount due. Pay amount due on the bill and, AMOUNT column is not used (null).
  • Upto amount. Pay the amount due if it is less than the value of the AMOUNT column. Otherwise, pay the value of AMOUNT and send a notification.



These three columns record how the payment date is generated. They are only updated through the UI, and are used by back-end jobs to calculate when to pay. The valid PAY_INTERVAL value is Monthly. User-specified to make payments monthly. The day of month is specified by DAY_OF_PAY_INTERVAL. The MONTH_OF_PAY_INTERVAL is irrelevant.






These columns determine when to start the recurring payment and when to stop it. START_DATE, END_DATE and MAX_NUM_PAYMENTS can only be updated through the UI.

START_DATE is required, but you set only one of the END_DATE (end by that date) or MAX_NUM_PAYMENTS (end when this number of payments is made).

The recurring payment STATUS is active when it is created and it has not reached either END_DATE or MAX_NUM_PAYMENTS. When one of them is reached, the STATUS is changed to inactive and the recurring payment will never take effect again.

If END_DATE is chosen, if the pay date for the next bill to be paid is later than or the same as the start date, and sooner or the same as the end date, then the bill will be paid. The STATUS is set to inactive if the next pay date is later than the end date.

If MAX_NUM_PAYMENTS is chosen, then the STATUS is changed to inactive when CURR_NUM_PAYMENTS reaches MAX_NUM_PAYMENTS.


This is the pay date of the last bill. It is set to 01/07/1970 when recurring payment is created to indicate that there is valid information.


This is the pay date of the next bill. When the recurring payment job runs, it schedules a payment with a pay date of NEXT_PAY_DATE. Note, NEXT_PAY_DATE is calculated based on LAST_PAY_DATE and PAY_INTERNAL.

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