Discount Exclusivity

Discount exclusivity controls how multiple discounts interact with each other. You can configure discounts to be exclusive to the following:
  • Per transaction

  • Per menu item

  • Based on workstation operator-defined groups

In short, discount exclusivity stops discounts from applying multiple times to the same items.

Discount exclusivity applies in these situations:
  • A senior citizen discount coupon cannot be used at the same time as a 25% off all items discount.

  • A Buy One Get One Free discount cannot be applied to a transaction that also has a Buy $100, Get 25% Off Discount.

  • The customer's 10% coupon cannot be applied to items that get the Happy Hour discount.

You can configure two types of discount exclusivity: simple exclusivity and group exclusivity. Simple exclusivity is easier to use and configure. Group exclusivity yields greater flexibility, but at the price of complexity. Simple Exclusivity and Group Exclusivity contain more information about these types of discount exclusivity.

Automatic discounts always recalculate after the workstation operator adds or removes an item from a guest check. Because of this, automatic discounts are always applied after manual discounts. Consider the following example:
  • The revenue center is configured with automatic discounts enabled in the RVC Parameters module.

  • One automatic discount is active: all food is 10% off.

  • A manual discount is configured, and it allows the 10% off all food discount to be on the check at the same time as the manual discount.

  • The operator orders $20 of food.

  • The automatic discount applies on the check for $2.

If the workstation operator then adds a manual discount for $5.00 off, the discount changes:
  • All automatic discounts are removed (this occurs internally on the workstation but is listed here to explain the logic)

  • The check's total is $15.00 ($20.00 minus the $5.00 manual discount)

  • The 10% automatic discount is applied for $1.50, taking the check's total to $13.50

Because of the scenario described here, it is not possible to get a better deal when combining automatic and manual discounts. Either the discounts can both be on the check (as in this example) or the manual discount is not allowed (if the automatic discount is exclusive to the manual discount). Thus, if you want to use manual discounts and automatic discounts in the same environment, you should configure the discounts that would normally be manual as automatic coupon discounts, which follow the best deal rules of the Discount Engine. See Understanding Awarding Algorithms for more information.

Configuring Discounts contains more information about setting the Simple Item Exclusivity and Simple Transaction Exclusivity options.