Holding Menu Items on a Check

The following table describes different ways to hold menu items and how to end the current service round:

Table 2-2 Hold Tasks

Action Instructions Workstation Shows ...

Hold the entire order and begin a new guest check

Add menu items and click the Hold Order Tender/Media type function key.

The letter H next to all of the held items

Hold a single menu item

Select an item and click the Hold function key.

The letter H next to the held item

Hold menu items as you add items to the check

Click the Transaction Hold function key and then add menu items.

The letter H next to all of the items on hold

Release held menu items from their hold status

Select menu items on hold and click the Hold function key.

The letter H (next to the menu items) disappears

Pick up checks that have menu items on hold

Click Pick Up Check By List, and select Held Items Only from the View Type drop-down list.

Checks with held items only and the letter H next to all the checks