Item timeperiod/company

The following describes the record layout for the database table ArtTimTComp which stores the data for the statistics Item timeperiod/company.

The field names, the data type and the field size together with a short description of the field content are described here.

Turnover item

Decimal (12,2)

Total of all item turnover including the assigned parts of a menu.

The turnover of the menu items is shown separately.

Menu turnover

Decimal (12,2)

Total of all turnover for menu items


Decimal (12,2)

Total of all price changes (markup/markdown).


Decimal (12,2)

Total of the profit calculation base.

This value is only shown if a price for profit calculation base has been assigned for this item or if it is a stock item and if a cost price is available for this stock item.

Item (quantity)

Decimal (11,3)

Count of all items sold. The count for the menu items sold is shown separately.

Special price 1

Decimal (12,2)

Item turnover at special price 1

Special price 2

Decimal (12,2)

Item turnover at special price 2

Special price 3

Decimal (12,2)

Item turnover at special price 3

Special price 4

Decimal (12,2)

Item turnover at special price 4

Special price 5

Decimal (12,2)

Item turnover at special price 5

Customer price

Decimal (12,2)

Turnover of all items at customer price.

Returns (turnover)

Decimal (12,2)

Turnover of merchandise returns items.

Menu (quantity)

Decimal (12,2)

Number of menu items sold.


Number 0 - 99999999

Count of all scanned items.


Decimal (12,2)

Turnover VAT.

Returns (qty.)

Decimal (20,2)

Number of merchandise returns items.

Time interval

Number 1 - 9

The following values can be entered depending on the statistic parameters set:

  1. = Year
  2. = Month
  3. = Week
  4. = Day



Recording date


Number 1 - 9999

Number of company

Time period

Number 1 - 99

Number of period in which these items have been recorded.

The appropriate time periods must have already been programmed.


Decimal (14,0)

Number of the item

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin