Create invoice

Invoices can be printed for all recordings finalised with mode "Credit". This is a retrospective print of an invoice. The description of direct invoices can be found under Create direct invoice.

A selection window is opened from clicking onto Create invoice in window Customer delivery or Customer. Entries can then be made under the following:

Print starts after selections have been made or settings imported and then definition of where the information is to appear.

Invoices are printed as per the parametering in window Customer. If individual invoice is defined, a separate invoice will be printed for each sale on credit. If collective invoice is parametered, an overall invoice will be printed for the customer. (Direct invoices are not included). The content of the invoices does not differ.

Switch Printed is activated after print


The invoice contains the following data:

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin