Finance type

The program description deals with the following:

Remarks on program function

The data for finance types can be updated, i.e. programmed, changed or cleared, with this program. Data which has already been stored can also be displayed for information. Up to 9999 finance types per "Type".

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POSprogram provides the following Finance type:

If finance types are to be updated, they should have been programmed under an easily identifiable no. in the system, the parameters described below must have been programmed and linked to a terminal type via Finance parameter .

Remarks on data fields

The following description deals with all available options for update of this basic data.

As with nearly all other programs the following also applies here:


Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

The number of the company to which the finance type entered/to be changed is to apply should be entered in this field.

If the number is not known, the data record can be selected with Search.

The company is updated in program Company.

Finance no.

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

Each finance type can be programmed several types in the system. For example, vouchers with a variety of values can be programmed in the system. A different no. should be assigned to each finance type and entered in this field.


Entry range permitted: alphanumeric max. 20 pos.

Enter the name of a new finance type in this field. The text must be easy to identify. Using the example shown under Finance no. the entry here would be Voucher 50 EUR .

Finance type

Field with firmly defined selection options

Select one of the finance types offered in this window by clicking on this field and with a second click confirming the option required.

Finance types are normally recorded at the POS terminal with key code "fFIN". However, this does not apply to pay in and pay out operations. They are recorded with key code PAYIN or PAYOUT. Payed in with customer no, Payed in w.o. customer no., Payed out with and Payed out w.o. describe how these keys are programmed and how recordings are made.

The system offers the following finance types:

·         Voucher
Detailed description on programming of a voucher can be found under Voucher. To ensure that a customer docket is printed for the voucher, the number "1" must be entered in the linked financial parameters in field Voucher type.

The sale of vouchers at the checkout can be completed with or without selection menu. If vouchers are sold via the finance type Voucher (<fFIN> key) the voucher type has to be selected from the menu. If the voucher type is to be keyed in directly at the checkout a <fVOU> key must have been programmed on the keyboard. The appropriate finance type for this type of voucher is defined in field "Finance no. voucher" in the appropriate branch.

·        Payment fee
This finance type is used for recording EFT payments via the Xenta Spin-Connect Terminal. This finance type must be assigned  in program Application  -> Organisation -> Company -> Details 1 in  field "Payment fee Fin.type.

 Click onto the graphics for further help for the Xenta Spin-Connect Terminal.

·        Tast/Give-away/Coup. (Beverage)
This finance type is at present used in beverages supermarkets for recording tasting, give-aways and coupons. More information can be found in the documentation "Tasting/Give-away/Coupon".


Entry range permitted: decimal, max. 10 pos. incl. 2 decimal places

If a firm value is to be linked to this finance type, enter the appropriate value in this field.
A firm value entry only applies to the following finance types:

Account no.

Entry range permitted: decimal max. 11 pos. no decimal places

Enter the account no. in this field.

Accounts are programmed under Company -> Account as per the specifications of the Accounting department.

Accounts can be linked for companies, finance types, departments, etc. to allow for print of the accounts list report in program Branch for the Accounting department.


Button active: Credit finance type
Button deactivated: No credit finance type

If Credit is selected under Finance type, this switch should also be activated.


Button active: Finance type is customer-related
Button deactivated: Finance type not customer-related

If this is a customer-related finance type and if the switch has been set accordingly, a customer no. entry is required for recording.

A typical application: Paid on account (finance type: Payed in) is customer-related (see Payment of an invoice) or sales to credit customers (see example of a sale on credit under Sale to credit cust.).

Record no.input

Button active: Entry of a record no. is prompted.
Button deactivated: No prompt for entry of a record no.

If this button is active the system requests entry of a record no. during an itemisation. This no. is then printed on the docket.

The no. is selectable – unless other provisions have been made within the branch.

Close invoice

Button active: An invoice is finalised.
Button deactivated: Invoice is not finalised

The activated switch allows the user to mark invoices as finalised even though the invoice total has not been paid in full or at all, e.g. if the customer is in financial difficulties. It is important that the invoice finalisation is done with finance type "Customer fin. mode".

Direct invoice

Button active: An invoice is printed immediately
Button deactivated: An invoice is not printed immediately

If the goods are handed over to a credit customer and a transaction takes place, the invoice will be printed out from the background system. The scheduler controls immediate print of the invoice. More details on programming of a direct invoice can be found under Direct invoice, help on the appropriate update windows under Scheduler.


Pack (Beverage)

Button active:  Finance type Coupon refers to a goods voucher for a item sold in a pack
Button deactivated: Finance type Coupon refers to a goods voucher for a single item.

Finance type Coupon is at present used in beverages supermarkets to record tasting, give-aways and goods vouchers. More detailed information can be found in the documentation "Tasting/Give-away/Coupon".

Deposit paid (Beverage)

Button active:  Finance type Coupon which refers to a goods voucher with deposit offsetting.
Button deactivated: Finance type Coupon which refers to goods vouchers without deposit offsetting.

Finance type Coupon is at present used in beverages supermarkets to record tasting, give-aways and goods vouchers. More information can be found in documentation "Tasting/Give-away/Coupon".

Deposit in branch (Beverage)

Button active: Finance type Coupon which refers to goods vouchers without deposit charge
Button deactivated: Finance type Coupon which refers to a goods voucher with deposit charge.

Finance type Coupon is at present used in beverages supermarkets to record tasting, give-aways and goods vouchers. More information can be found in documentation "Tasting/Give-away/Coupon".

Goods vouchers (Beverage)

Button active: Finance type Coupon which refers to goods vouchers for tasting and employee beverages
Button deactivated: Finance type Coupon which refers to goods vouchers with deposit charge.

Finance type Coupon is at present used in beverage supermarkets to record tasting, give-aways and goods vouchers. More information can be found in documentation "Tasting/Give-away/Coupon".


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin