TIP: Maintenance and Recording

In the following, the essential parameter settings for the tip recording are listed. Further information, particularly on the input fields, can be found in the relevant program descriptions.

  1. Program Keyboard
    Go to System -> Configuration -> Keyboard. Assign the keyboard.
  2. Program Keys
    Open the program Keys.
  3. Program Keyboard
    Save your entries.
  4. Program Finance Type
    Go to Parameters ->
    Misc. Params. -> Finance Type.
  5. Program Finance Parameter
    Open the sub-window Finance Parameter and assign the appropriate terminal type there.
  6. Booking in the sales program
    Invoice total: 42 EUR
    TIP: 3 EUR
    Paid sum: 50 EUR

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin