
The program description deals with the following:

Remarks on program function

Records of payments received from customers are kept in this program.

This window is called up from Application -> Customer -> Payment or from button "Add. data" in window Payment group . The number of fields shown is dependent on which call up option is used.

Index provides a fast review of which fields are shown in which window. The field difference details are also noted.

Remarks on data fields

The following description deals with all available options for update of this basic data.

As with nearly all programs the following also applies here:


Number of company on which level the customer payment has been recorded.


Number of the branch in which customer payment was made.

Branch [for invoice]

Call up with button "" in window "Payment group":

Payment no.

The customer payment was recorded under the number which is assigned automatically by the system.


Customer no.

Number of credit customer

Invoice no.

Enter the number of the invoice on which the payment is based. Invoice numbers are assigned by program Invoice.

If the number is not known, the data record can be selected with Search.

Credit invoice no.

Only in window "" of "Payment group":

Reason for difference

There may be a difference between the invoice total and the customer payment. This type of payment is programmed as a finance type under Customer finance mode. The finance type ID is then shown in this field.


Number of the operator dealing with this program.


Number of the terminal at which the payment was entered.


Only in window "" of "Payment group":


If the customer payment is handled via a Payment type, the number of this payment type is shown.


If the customer payment is handled via a Finance type, the number of this finance type is shown.

Payment date

Date on which payment was made.

Payment group

Only in window "" of "Payment group":

Customer payment date

Date of payment

Sconto No.


The number of the finance type “Customer finance mode” must have been entered in this field if sconto is to be recorded for a customer payment.



Total payment. The value shown in window "" of "Payment group" refers to the amount of an individual payment and not to the payment group.


Only in window "Customer payment":

Paid/unpaid (search state)

Only in window "Customer payment":


Only in window "" of "Payment group":


Only in window "" of "Payment group":

Final payment

Only in window "Customer payment":

Switch active: The invoice is paid and finalised.
Switch deactivated: The invoice has not been settled and not finalised.

This switch is normally set automatically when the complete invoice amount has been settled by the customer. This switch is also activated if payments are "finalised" with finance type Customer finance mode (if the switch "finalised" has been set). This finance type is always applied if invoices are to be finalised, even though the invoice total has not been settled or only part of it has been settled, e.g. if the customer goes bankrupt.

Confirmation date

Not relevant at present

Shift no.

Not relevant at present


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin