Configuration of a Direct Invoice via a Scheduler

By the configuration of a scheduler process for a direct invoice, you achieve that an invoice form is immediately printed out on a line printer when an invoice is settled via the finance type Credit Customer.

Proceed as follows:

Finance type (Parameters -> Misc. Params)

These are only the essential entries:

Select the Finance Type "Credit".
Activate the option "Credit".
Activate the option "Customer-related".
Activate the option "Direct Invoice".
Direct invoices are handled like any other invoice type, i.e. the original invoice cannot be printed another time. If another printout is necessary, you can generate an Invoice Copy.
Save your entries.

Finance Parameter (Parameters -> Misc. Params -> Finance Type)

Assign the terminal type.
Save the assignment.

Scheduler Position (Parameters -> Misc. Params)

Enter a name in the field Scheduler Name. This name can be chosen at will but it has to be the same as the "Program Name" in the windows "Process Unit" and "Applications". Make sure the spelling is correct.
If the entry can actually be chosen at will finally depends on the successive order in which you configure the scheduler. If you begin with the entries in the window "Applications", you have to adopt the "Program Name" entered there in the window "Scheduler Position".
Enter a sequential number in the field Position.
Select the Program Name "LstDirInvCreate", or enter this name. If terms in English are listed, select "Direct Invoice".
Select the Mode "Every Day".
Do not make further entries.
Save your entries and close the window.

Process Units (System -> Configuration)

Select the appropriate Installation.
Enter a free number in the field Process Unit (e.g. 1). This number is to be entered in the field "Scheduler Process" in the window Terminals, too.
The name for the Process Unit can be chosen at will, enter e.g. "Sched. direct invoice".
In the field Login Name, no entry is necessary.
Select the Program Type Client.
Select the appropriate System Unit.
Select the required Language.
The entry in the field Program Name must be the same as in the window "Scheduler Position" (field "Scheduler Name") and in the window Applications (field "Program Name").
Activate the option Graphic.
Save your entries. you can now open the window "Device" from this window.

Device (System -> Configuration -> Process Unit)

In order to be able to print, a line printer has to be assigned to the process unit. The entries vary depending on the connected device. A general description of the line printer connection can be found in the chapter Configuration of a Line Printer.

Applications (System -> User Interface)

Go to System -> User Interface -> Applications.
Select the Appl. Name Scheduler.
Enter a free number in the field Application, e.g. 1.
The entry in the field Program Name can generally be chosen at will but it must be absolutely the same as in the windows "Scheduler Position" (field: Scheduler Name) and "Process Unit" (field: Program Name"). If you have already made entries there, you have to adopt the name.
Save your entries and close the window.

Terminals (Application-> Organisation)

Select the appropriate terminal and assign the corresponding scheduler process to it.
Enter the process number with which the scheduler has been created (window Process Unit, field "Process Unit") in the field Schedule Process Unit. Confirm this entry.
Save your entries.

Stopping /Starting the Application

The entries will only apply after the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application has been stopped and started again.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin