Installation state

The log files stored in the system are shown in this window with the respective position nos.. The log files are stored in directory work.srv with file names LOGFILE.1, LOGFILE.2.

This information can be used to clear old log files which have already been applied to carry out an update for the sub-installation.

Log files are only generated up to a size of approx. 1Mb and are stored under a consecutive no. e.g. LOGFILE.1, LOGFILE.2, etc.. The next log file, e.g. LOGFILE.2, is created when the stated size is exceeded.

The data in the log files is used to send the basic data modified on the server database to the sub-installations and the clients after an offline condition..

Update of client databases is done permanently on the background system. The client databases are only updated with the help of log files after an offline condition.

The sub-installations are updated after activation of button Update installation.

Click onto the graphics for more details on programming of Multi-installations.

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D-10587 Berlin