Get local update

The program description deals with the following:

Remarks on program function

After depression of button Get local update in program Installation the modified basic data from a sub-installation (branch) is transferred to the main installation (head office). During Update installation the modified basic data of the main installation (head office) is transferred to the sub-installation (branch).

Data transfer runs as follows:

Getting modified basic data from a sub-installation assumes that the system units concerned are accessible via the TCP/IP network and that communications exist between the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS database server and the sub-installation concerned.

After communications have been successfully established, the databases and the changes since the last local update are checked. All changes made since the last local update are picked up from the database server. If the local update is interrupted, the operation will be continued during the next local update.

The modified basic data of a sub-installation (branch) picked up from the main installation (head office) are subjected to special FGL routines after successful transfer. These routines ensure that a database update of the main installation is only done as per the method defined, see Organisation of a multi-installation. The changes are only printed out with the FGL routines (version delivered) in the standard system. An update is not carried out for security reasons. The individual branch organisation defines whether the appropriate FGL routines have to be modified or whether new ones have to be created. Only then can an update of the modified local basis data for a sub-installation (branch) be transferred to the database of the main installation (head office). The modified data is then processed in FGL script "runInstallation.fgl" with function "printLocalUpds". This routine can be adapted in accordance with the individual regulations of the appropriate branch organisation or it can be replaced by a new function.

Click on the graphic for further help with programming a Multi-installation.

Organisation of a multi-installation

The update of basic data must follow defined rules for the organisation of a branch system.


It must be ensured that no global basic data is changed or overwritten after a local update.

Normally, basic data such as articles, departments, price levels is updated in head office. This data is linked directly to the company and therefore applies to all existing branches. This basic data is termed as global. It is sent to all programmed sub-installations during Update Installation. Local basic data is data which can be updated in individual branches and only there. This local basic data is transferred to head office with Get local update.

If a decision is made that the basic data can be updated, i.e. programmed, changed or cleared, in a branch, the following should be noted when organising a multi-installation:

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MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin