Item Deletion

The update program Application -> Item -> Suggested Deletion - Item generates a list of deleteable items and characterizes these items as "Deleteable", according to certain conditions, in the update program Items.

The following program documentation deals with:

General Notes on the Program

With a multi-branch-installation, the update program Suggested Deletion - Item can only be run in the central (main installation). Attempts to run the program in a branch will be rejected with a corresponding error message.

The reports described in the following will be carried out time-controlled via a report chain by the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application.

Deletion Procedure (Order)

The identification of "deleteable items" and the subsequent deletion of these items from the database takes place in the following order:

Central (= Main Installation)

Branch (=Sub-Installation)

Central (=Main Installation)

Precondition for the Item Deletion

The deletion of items from the database of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application can only be carried out under certain conditions. Items for which statistic data have been stored in the database cannot simply be deleted manually. Items that have a stock, menu, promotion or recipe linkage cannot be deleted before the linkages have been disconnected.

By use of the update program Application -> Items -> Suggested Deletion - Item, you can detect deleteable items in the database and save them in a suggestion list. The items included in this list can be edited, i.e. the characterization "deleteable"  can be switched on or off before the suggestion list has been confirmed via the button


After the list has been booked, the items included will be characterized as "Deleteable" in the update program Items and can be deleted from the database with the report "Item Deletion" in the update program Items -> Report.

When creating the suggestion list for the characterization of the deleteable items, the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application checks the following item conditions:

  1. The item is not "in stock".
  2. The item is not active in an "Open Purchase Order".
  3. The item is not included in an "Active Promotion".
  4. The item is not included in the ingredients of a "Recipe".
  5. The item is not included in a "Menu".
  6. The item is not a "Seasonal item" (cp. Season in the update program Item).
  7. A consolidation item has to be assigned in the corresponding Department of this item in the field Consolidation art.

Only items that meet these requirements can be collected in a suggestion list by the update program Application -> Item ->Suggested Deletion - Item. The items included in this list can be edited, i.e. the characterization "deleteable" can be switched on or off, until the booking of the list has been confirmed via the button

Deletion of Items

The actual deletion of the items characterized as "deleteable" happens via the report "Item Deletion" in the update program Items. This report must have been carried out successfully in all branches (sub-installation) to make sure a final deletion of these items can be carried out in the central (main installation) after the transfer of the state data for deleted items.

In addition to the item conditions 1 to 6, a so-called consolidation item has to be created in the database to make sure that the statistic turnover data of the deleted item can be transferred to this consolidation item before the actual deletion is carried out.

The consolidation item must be assigned in the update program Department in the field Consolidation Item. Via these consolidation items (one item per department), the statistical turnover reports can be carried out after the item deletion.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin