Set up Bankomat

The following describes the procedure for set up and use of the Bankomat payment terminal and the handling of the linked payment types:


Connection and set up of device

The EFT terminal type Bankomat is set up and linked in program Application -> System -> Configuration -> Device.


Device group = Zvt

Device  type = Bankomat



Defaults with the exception of the following parameters should not be changed. Set POS printer to 32 characters per line.


Set up payment types

The following payment types can be set up for the payment terminal type Bankomat:




The payment types are programmed under Parameter -> Payment -> Paymenttype.

The following parameters should be set to match the EFT payment type.:


Category = EFT

EFT type = no EFT


EFT data:




Payment parameter:


Form = 5 for CREDcard ( EFT data = 5/6 ) !!!


Form = 6 for BANKcard, payment without guarantee (EFT data = 2 ) !!!

Set up Maestro card ( old name : ec card)


The form no. must be set to 0 under payment parameter.

Set up Maestro card , payment type without guarantee (NGZ)



Form no. 6 should be entered under payment parameter. This activates print of the form for signature. MICROS Retail OSCAR POS as from version 2 requests form no. 7 and not 6.


Set up credit payment



Form no. 5 should also be entered under Payment parameter. This is required for print of the signature form. MICROS Retail OSCAR POS as from version 2 requests form no. 6 and not 5.


Set up of credit payment with authorisation no.


Descriptor = should be "Credit card"

Category = EFT

EFT data = 5


Form no. 5 should also be entered under Payment parameter. This is required for print of the signature form. MICROS Retail OSCAR POS as from version 2 requests form no. 6 and not 5.


Set up keys for ec card and credit card


The EFT payment type keys are programmed under System -> Configuration -> Keyboard via button Keys.


Program a key for every EFT payment type ("ec payment", "ec payment without guarantee", "Credit payment" and "Credit payment with authorisation no.").


Event = fPM

Data = Number of EFT payment type

Set up keys for special terminal functions


The EFT function keys are programmed under System -> Configuration -> Keyboard via button Keys.


Program one key for each EFT function.


Finalisation "ec card"

Event = FUNC_BK

Data = 1 (daily report)

Data = 2 (shift total)

Data = 3 (local total)

Data = 4 (confirmation)

Journal print

Event = FUNC_BK

Data = 50 (journal print (from JournalBANK))

Data = 13 (journal print from can no longer be used)

Data = 3 (local total)

Data = 4 (confirmation)

Basic customer data functions

Event = FUNC_BK

Data = 14 (test customer bit on ec card)

Data = 15 (init customer on ec card)

Data = 16 (clear customer bit on ec card)

Finalisation credit card and spezial keys

Event = FUNC_BK

Data = 10 (daily report)

Data = 11 (docket repeat)

Data = 12 (void ( =ADS credit note))


Functions under lock 2 or Z:

100 should be added to field Data to define lock position 2 for these functions.

200 should be added to field Data to define lock position Z for these functions.

Adjust receipt print for ec card without guarantee

Adjustments to the receipt layout can be made in fgl file "Kasse.fgl".


Value of variable "PrintBAsigntext" for ec card without guarantee -
NOT CREDIT card!!!


Print warning text on receipt

Print follow-up receipt for signature

0 = YES


1 = NO


2 = YES


3 = NO



Booking of EFT payment types

Ec card


Credit card payment with authorisation no.

( The same conditions as for credit cards shown above apply here!)


Credit card payment and credit card payment with authorisation no.

Void  ( @NKER credit note)

Docket repeat

Daily reports

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin