Loyalty Bonus: Setup and Cash in

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application allows you to give credit customers a loyalty bonus graduated by purchase prices. The customer bonus system of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application will be described in the following. First, the general functionality and the necessary parameter settings will be listed. Then you will be informed about how bonus points can be cashed in. After an example of a loyalty table and the granted bonus points, there will be some notes on /restrictions of the cashing in of bonus points:


A. Functionality of the Bonus System

You establish loyalty tables that are created on the company level and to which the customers will be assigned. Further on, you establish bonus points depending on purchase prices. Values will be assigned to bonus points.

From MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Version 2.0 on you have to enter the loyalty bonus in the country-specific data of the branch.

If a customer buys something the system determines if – and if so – how many bonus points are to be granted. During the booking the customer and the operator can decide if the bonus value is to be subtracted from the purchase price or if the bonus points are to be collected and offset against a later purchase.

B. Necessary Parameter Settings

  1. Company
    The precondition for the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS bonus system is that it is permitted on the company level at all.
    Enter the Loyalty Bonus that is currently restricted to bonus points.
  2. Country
    From MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Version 2.0 on, you have to enter the loyalty bonus in the country-specific data of the
  3. Loyalty Table
    Establish a table which you assign to the company and to which the customer has access. Several loyalty tables can be assigned to one company.
  4. Position in Loyalty Table
    Here you define the purchase price areas considered for the distribution of points, the number of points and the sections on the basis of which the points are to be granted.
  5. Customer
  6. Customer State
    The customer state provides you with an overview over the customer’s current total of bonus points. If the window has been opened during the booking you have to empty the mask and call up the data record again.
  7. Price Change Type
    Determine the price change type as follows:
  8. Price Change Parameters
    Adjust the following settings:
  9. Key Update
    In order to book the bonus a corresponding price change key must be established in the system.

C. Cash in Bonus Points within a Booking

D. Example: Table Setup and Distribution of Bonus Points

Table Setup

Bonus Points

E: Notes on /Restrictions for Cashing in of Bonus Points:

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin