Price Change Parameter

The following program description deals with:

Remarks on the Program Function

By use of this program you can maintain the basic data of the parameters regarding to price changes in the system, i.e., insert new records, edit and delete the existing ones. You can also display the data on the screen for enquiry only. Types of Price Changes are to be defined and specified in this program.


Remarks on the Input Fields

This paragraph will provide a short overview over the options available for updating these Basic Data.

Just like in almost any other program:


Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 9999

Select the number of the company in which the parameters for price change are to be defined.

Markup/markdown No.

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 9999

Select the number of the price change type for which the parameters are to be defined.

Program Customer accesses this field in which the markup/markdown no. is entered so that the correct discount can be granted.

Terminal Type

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 9999

Enter the number of the terminal type to which the price change type is assigned. The description of the terminal type will be displayed to the right of the entry.

Max. Limit

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 10 digits including max. 2 decimal places

The maximum limit of the price change is to be specified here.

·        If this refers to a percentage discount a higher percentage than the one which is to apply as the upper limit cannot be entered.

·        If this refers to a value discount a higher percentage than the one which is to apply as the upper limit cannot be entered

Min. Limit

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 10 digits including max. 2 decimal places

The minimum limit of the price change is to be specified here.

·        If this refers to a percentage discount a higher percentage than the one which is to apply as the upper limit cannot be entered.

·        If this refers to a value discount a higher percentage than the one which is to apply as the upper limit cannot be entered

Count Limit

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 11 digits including max. 3 decimal places

This is the minimum no. of discountable items which have to be bought before a ST discount is granted.

Please note that items have to belong to the same totaliser as the discount type.

Min. Turnover

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 10 digits including max. 2 decimal places

The turnover entered here (per receipt) must be achieved before the ST discount is given.

Max. Discount

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 10 digits including max. 2 decimal places

Enter the value for the discount which should not be exceeded with a ST discount.


Value Preset

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 10 digits including max. 2 decimal places

Enter the preset value.

Percent Preset

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 5 digits including max. 2 decimal places

This is the preset percentage value.


Button activated : Price change at this terminal type is blocked.
Button deactivated : Price change at this terminal type is not blocked.

Percent Discount

Button activated : This is a percent discount.
Button deactivated : This is not a percent discount.

Percent and value discounts are exclusive of each other. Only one or the other option can be activated for one price change type.

Value Discount

Button activated : This is a value discount.

Button deactivated : This is not a value discount.

Percent and value discounts are exclusive of each other. Only one or the other option can be activated for one price change type.

Manual Entry

Button activated : Price change can be entered manually.
Button deactivated : Price change can not be entered manually.

The manual entry has priority over a preset value (see Value or Percent preset and also Manual entry sup).


Always activate this button if the discount is a bonus customer discount. Only then will it be possible for you and the customer to define whether the bonus points are to be cash ined during the recording or whether they are to be collected. Further information on bonus systems can be found under Bonus points: Creation and cash in.  ).


Man. Entry Sup.

Button activated : Entries by hand are only possible supervisor key position.
Button deactivated : Supervisor key position is not required for manual entry..

If the manual input can only be performed in supervisor key position, the preceding button Manual Entry should also be activated.

No Limit for Superv.

Button activated : There is no limit for supervisors.
Button deactivated : A limit applies also to supervisors.

Limit before Discount

Button activated : The entered limit applies to the sales total prior to discounting.
Button deactivated : The entered limit applies to the discounted sales total.

Item Discount

Button activated : Item discounts are allowed.
Button deactivated : Item discounts are not allowed.

An item discount is a discount given to individual items of a receipt (see also ST discount).

Item and ST (Sales Total) discounts are not exclusive of each other. Both options can be simultaneously activated.

ST Discount

Button activated : ST discounts are allowed.
Button deactivated : ST discounts are not allowed.

A ST discount is a discount on the total of a sale. It is given after the sub-total is posted. Please refer also to the comments on parameter Recalculate in window price change type.

Item and ST (Sales Total) discounts are not exclusive of each other. Both options can be simultaneously activated. No ST discount is granted in a GuestCheck.

No discount for promotions

Button activated:  No discount is granted if a promotion is fulfilled within a transaction.
Button deactivated:  Discount is granted although a promotion is fulfilled within a transaction.

No ST disc.after item disc.

Button activated:. Items for which a discount has already been granted are excluded from ST discount.
Button deactivated: Items for which a discount has already been granted are also given a ST discount.


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin