Booking Date / Book Periods on the Branch and Profit Center Level – General Notes

The following description deals with:

  1. Definition of the Book Period
  2. How is the new Booking Date to be determined?
  3. Security Elements
  4. Determination of the Booking Date

Book Periods

The daily booking statistics on the branch and profit center level (Booking Statistics Branch / Booking Statistics Profit Center) have been added by the field Book Period which is a counter.

The counter will be increased by 1

Since the book period counter counts consecutively and is displayed in the daily branch and profit center reports, the complete collection of all turnover values is guaranteed at the same time.

The preconditions for establishing a book period counter are that the Period in the statistics parameters in Booking Statistics Branch and Booking Statistics Profit Center is set to Day.

The reports of a booking statistic can only be printed when the period is completed. It is completed when the booking date in the branch or profit center state is more current then the date of the statistic programs in use.

How is the new Booking Date to be determined?

There are generally 3 ways to shift to the new booking date:

  1. "Act. Date is book date"
    If the parameter
    Act. Date is book date
    is set in the profit center (see also Description of the deactivated Switch below) the booking date is automatically updated in the course of the change of the system date, i.e. from 00.00 everything will be booked in the new day. The actual shift to the new date takes place with the first transaction in the POS system on the new day (this ensures that no book periods are opened on book-free days, e.g. Sunday etc.). If the current date is the booking date it is not necessary to activate a new (booking) day via the button New Day. Especially in the hospitality area it is often useful to book the hours from 00.00 to 03.00 in the previous day. In this case, the switch must not be activated. However, for the booking end, the new day has to be activated via the button of the same name. An example can be found under Book Periods Waiters.
    Button "New Day "
  2. The second way to shift the date is to click on the button New Day in the window Branch or Profit Center (changing the date on the branch level means that the date will be changed in the assigned profit centers, too). The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application is informed that one book period is to be closed and the next one is to be opened.

  3. Change Date at
    If the switch Act. Date is Book date is not activated and if you have not activated the button New Day the booking date can also be updated via the parameter
    Change Date at
    in the window "POS type". By this, the system compares the current booking time with the time entered under this parameter (default: 06.00 h). If it is earlier no update will be carried out; if the entered time is exceeded the booking day will be updated. The update takes place with the first transaction in the POS system.

    It applies here, too, that the change of the booking date is independent from the circumstance if a cashier is signed on or not.
    Please make sure that the entered time does not differ from the entry “Change Date from” in the windows
    Profit Center or Branch, i.e. a manual date change is not possible before the entered time.

Security Elements

In the area of book periods, two security elements have been integrated:

Determination of the Booking Date

As mentioned above, the system and booking dates do not always have to be the same, i.e. a newer booking date than the system date can be generated via the button “New Day”, or everything is booked in the previous day up to 06.00 h before changing the date. These are reasons for which the booking and system dates differ on purpose.
However, there are still undesired situations in which such discrepancies occurred, e.g. an offline case or the circumstance that – for whatever reason – there was no booking at all in a profit center for several days. The booking date would therefore be long behind the system date.

In such cases, the booking date can be determined as follows:

With the first transaction at the POS terminal, the booking date will be compared with the system date.

  1. The booking date (e.g.: 10.01.1999) and System date (e.g. 10.01.1999) are the same.
    The booking date will not be adjusted.
  2. The booking date (e.g. 10.01.1999) is older than the system date (e.g. 15.01.1999).
    If the booking date is older than the system date the booking date will be adjusted to the system date. The date change procedures ( button “New Day”, “Act. Date is Book Date”, “Change Date from”) are described above.
  3. The booking date (e.g. 10.01.1999) is younger than the system date (e.g. 09.01.1999).
    The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application only allows the booking date to be max. one day younger than the system date (see
    Security Elements
    ). The booking date will not be adjusted to the system date.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin