
Coupons with a value are printed via the external Catalina coupon printer. The customer can then use the coupons as type of payment for the next purchases. The coupons are handed to the customer after the payment operation. This is a customer loyalty system. Catalina Marketing provides the hardware (processor and printer) and the software. All transaction data (start/end transaction, items, price changes, customer recordings, payment type positions) are sent to the Catalina processor via UDP packages when the payment operation is finalised with a payment type. There are no checks to ensure that the messages do reach Catalina.


The following parameters must be programmed for communication with the Catalina system:

·        Application -> Organisation -> Branch -> 3 -> "IP printer" and "IP printer"
The IP address and the port no. for communication with the Catalina system must be entered in these fields.

·        Parameter -> Misc.param. -> Terminal type -> 2 "Infos to Catalina"
Only the terminals with activated parameter "Infos to Catalina" in the linked terminal type can communicate with the Catalina voucher system.

·        Parameter -> Payment -> Payment type -> "Catalina ZA"
Value = 1 must be entered in this field to ensure that a message is sent to the Catalina coupon system when a payment operation is finalised. .
If a positive response is received from the Catalina system a coupon is printed at the terminal on an external printer and the customer can cash this in as payment for the next purchases.

·        Application -> Organisation -> Branch -> EAN parameters
EAN parameters must be programmed for the branch to ensure that the coupons can be scanned when they are presented.

Example: Catalina value coupons

EAN 13 Catalina value coupon
























MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin