Update Programs at the POS Terminal

The following list includes all the update programs you can start not only at the administration terminal but also directly at the POS terminal. These programs can be started via special key functions that have to be defined on your keyboard.

For further help on the keyboard functions click on the image in the table.

The following update programs can be started directly at the POS terminal:

Declared entry

Keyboard function = <DECLAREDENTRY>
FSM function = declEntryStart


Keyboard function = <FLOATENTRY>
FSM function = floatEntryStart

Transfer out

Keyboard function = <TRANSFEROUT>
FSM function = transferOutStart

Paid in

Keyboard function = <PAYIN>
FSM function = setUpPinSel

Paid out

Keyboard event = <PAYOUT>
FSM function = setUpPoutSel

Reports on POS terminal

Keyboard function = <RECREP
FSM function = printLongSelRep

Keyboard function = <AUTOREP>
FSM function = printSelAuto

Keyboard function = <CHAINREP>
FSM function = printChain

Create customer order

Keyboard function = <CORDER>
FSM function =setTypeCOrder

Select customer order

Keyboard function = <COSELECT>
FSM function =selectCO

Customer order

Keyboard function = <DORDER>
FSM function =setTypeDOrder

Customer order for a different branch

Keyboard function = <TORDER>
FSM function = setTypeTOrder

Customer order
from Shop

Keyboard function = <CSHOP>
FSM function = startShopOrderHandling


Keyboard Event = <ORDER>
FSM function = CheckStockTable

Inventory (stock)

Keyboard Event = <INVENTORY>
FSM function = CheckStock

Transfer (stock)

Keyboard Event = <STMOVE>
FSM function = CheckStock


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin