Reports on Till

The following description deals with:

In addition to the standard reports 1 – 7 which are called up via the <REPORT> key in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application, it is also possible to call up additional reports and/or report chains with keys "RECREP", "AUTOREP" and CHAINREP at the checkout.

The reports for keys "RECREP", "AUTOREP" and "CHAINREP" are parametered in program Parameter -> Misc. Parameter -> Terminal reports.

Remarks on the Program Function

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application allows the user to call up the following reports with the <REPORT> key:

·        REPORT;1
"Open GC's Short" Short report on open GC's for the signed on operator.

·        REPORT;2
"Open GC's long" Detailed report on open GC's for the signed on operator.

·        REPORT;3
"Cashier short report".

·        REPORT;4
"Cashier short report"

·        REPORT;5
"Version scale"

·        REPORT;6
"Short report new period". Cashier short report with switch-over to new booking period.

·        REPORT;7
Cash declared report

In addition to the reports stated above, the user can also call up reports/report chains via keys "RECREP", "AUTOREP" and CHAINREP at the checkout and these can be printed out on the connected terminal printer. (They cannot be displayed). The report is called up normally from entry of a no. and depression of the appropriate code function key.

The following requirements have to be met to be able to call these reports:

  1. In the window Keys, the key codes (RECREP(n), AUTOREP(n) and CHAINREP(n) have to be created.
    1. If you would like to call the report at the terminal by use of a single-track key, you have to enter the report number in  Data.
    2. The entry in Data can be left out if you would like to start the report by use of a double-track key (<Number><Function key>) or press the function key first to select the related report from the appearing selection window (does not apply to CHAINREP(n)).
  2. In program Parameter -> Misc.Parameter -> Terminal reports the key codes must be linked to the terminal reports to be executed. For this purpose, enter the key code via which the report is to be called in Report Chains. Details can be found further below.
    In Position, enter the number to be entered at the terminal before the code key is pressed (exception: key code CHAINREP(n), cp. Position CHAINREP(n)).
    In Appl.Name, select the report(s) to be printed.
  3. During the configuration of the key codes AUTOREP(n) and CHAINREP(n), pre-settings are necessary – you have to define them in the sub-window "Parameter".
  4. Every terminal report has to be definitely included in the Statistic Parameters; the related option (e.g. Day) has to be activated.

Remarks on the Input Fields

This paragraph will provide a short overview over the options available for updating these Basic Data.

Just like in almost any other program:

Report chain

Field with firmly defined selection options

Select the key code, which is yet to be defined or has already been defined in the window Keys.



CHAINREP(n)[1, 2, ... 9]


Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 9999

To AUTOREP(n) and RECREP(n) applies:

To CHAINREP(n)[1, 2 ..] applies:

Appl[ication] Name

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

A click on the arrow button opens a window in which you can select the desired report.

The available reports can also be viewed via the List of all Reports.


Parameter [Button]

A click on this button takes you to the sub-window Parameter. There you can define the pre-selections necessary for the key functions AUTOREP(n) and CHAINREP(n).

Calling the Reports at the Terminal

To all key functions applies:

  1. If you have entered a number in the field Data in the window Keys, pressing the function key at the terminal has the effect that the report is directly printed out / called. With AUTOREP(n) and RECREP(n), the Position Number must be entered. With CHAINREP(n), the number following the key code has to be entered. For example.: With CHAINREP(n)2, the "2" would have to be entered in Data.
  2. If you have not made an entry in Data in the window Keys,, the report cannot be called directly. In this case, enter the number entered in Position at the terminal and confirm by use of the related function key.

Key Code RECREP(n)

Key Code AUTOREP(n)

Key Code CHAINREP(n)[1, 2, ...]


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin