Definition of Credit Cards to be read via the MCR

In general, credit cards are defined as a payment type of the Category "EFT" or "Credit", depending on how the card data is to be read.

It is also possible to read in the card data via a magnetic swipe card reader (MCR). In this case, the payment type of the credit card must be “Cash”.

In the following, the essential steps for the definition of a credit card as a "cash" payment type. Two numbers should be read within the booking via the MCR, the entry of the customer ID card no. has to be made manually.

Definition of the Cheque Payment Type

Change to the window Payment Type via Parameters -> Payments. If a payment type is being displayed there, empty the screen mask.

The payment type must be configured as follows:

Change to the sub-window Payment Parameter.

Change to the window Form Text via System -> User Interface.

Change to the window Card Reader Parameter via Branch.

The following requirements must be met before you define the credit card here:

  1. The track construction of the cards must be known to you.
  2. Both numbers to be read (card no. and expiry date) must be located on the same track.
  3. Each of the numbers to be read must be defined with a unique "".

In the following example, it is assumed that,

The configuration of the card no. is to be carried out as follows:

The configuration for the account no. is to be carried out as follows:

Recording the Credit Card

The recording (outline) of the credit card defined as a "Cash" payment type is to be carried out as follows:

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D-10587 Berlin