Day End: Reporting/Operator Account

The reports to be carried out within the operator report can be completed at both the

Operator Reports at the Administration Terminal

Menu: Booking Money Statistics

This menu can be entered via Operator -> Report. Among others, there are four reports offered for selection.

  1. Waiter report
  2. Waiter report (single)
  3. Old report periods Operator / Date
  4. Old report periods Operator /Report Period

Operator Reports at the POS Terminal

Chain Report

Reports can be grouped in a report chain. The execution of the reports will then be automated. The Chain Report Update can be entered via Parameter -> Misc. Param.

The report chain must contain the Waiter report if a new book period is to be opened for the operators.

In the sub-window Parameter you define the time frame for the report selected in the main window.

MinusInterval / Field Value:

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin