Report chain parameters

The program description deals with the following:

Create chain report describes in detail how a Chain report is programmed.

Please refer also to the documentation on Report print on Terminal.

Remarks on program function

Data for chain reports can be updated, i.e. created, changed or deleted, with this program. Data which has already been stored can be displayed for information purposes.

The parameters for the selection criteria in individual programs can be defined in a Chain report with this program.

The parameters set for the reports in a Chain report can be checked by running the Chain report interactively. Activate the program Chain report with the button Interactive.

Selection criteria can be entered for each report called up. Defaults are set in the standard version and these can be defined or modified with specific parameters or can be modified by the person responsible before report print starts.

Sample report: Recording statistics:

The selection criteria in an automatic chain report can be defined with the appropriate parameters.

Remarks on data fields

The following description deals with all options available for update of basic data.

As with nearly all programs the following also applies here:

Event number

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 9999

Enter a sequential position no. in this field.

Field name

Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 20 pos.

Select the field name for the selection criteria required. The name is found by clicking onto the arrow and opening a window from which the name can be selected.

The meaning of the field name is shown in the following list:

The names that appear in the list are defined by the report selected because the selection criteria differ from report to report.


The entry in field Field value defines the interval at which the report is to be called up. The recording date is taken into consideration.

The following are permitted:

Minus interval:

The selection 1, 2 or 3 in field Field value defines whether the values -1, -2 or -3 are to apply for this report during the interval defined.

3 = current day is defined in the report. The addition of parameters:

Minus Period = 1 the results for the previous day will be shown - the system date is borne in mind.

Minus Period = 2 the results for the current recording day will be shown..

Minus Period = 3 the result for the previous day will be shown - the system data is borne in mind.


Recording date is shown in the store or profit centre status.

System date is the date shown by the processor

Recording date is 4.4.2000
System date is 5.4.2000

Period is 3, i.e. the current daily results with regard to the recording date (4.4.2000) are shown in the report.

If parameter Minus Period is set, the following reports are possible:

Minus Period 0 = current system date -> 5.4.2000

Minus Period 1 = previous day's results on system date -> 4.4.2000

Minus Period 2 = current recording date -> 4.4.2000

Minus Period 3 = previous day's results on recording date -> 3.4.2000


Entry 1 in field Field value defines that only the cumulative total is shown in this report. r


Entry 1 in field Field value defines that this report will be printed as a short report..


An entry in field Field value defines which company is reported on.


Entry 1 in field Field value defines that this report is to be printed out for the company under report.


An entry in field Field value defines the branch for which the report is to be printed.


Entry 1 in field Field value defines that this report is to apply to the branch under report.


An entry in field Field value defines the profit centre the report is to apply to.


Entry 1 in field Field value defines that this report applies to the actual profit centre in use.

Field value

Entry range permitted: numeric, 0 - 9999

Independent of the selected field name you can enter a value in this field to define the range for the selection criteria. 0 is the standard setting. 0 = NO / 1 = YES applies to selections where only Yes or No are permitted.


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin