Tomra deposit receipts (EDEKA)

Deposit receipts given from the Tomra automat are scanned at the Pos for redemption. Redeemed receipts are stored in the database and can be viewed with the program Application -> Item -> Deposit receipts.

Deposit receipt which are saved in this table cannot scanned again. This is only allowed in lock position two (= supervisor). After the specified deadline (see application -> Branch -> Details 4 "Refund status deleted") the state data can be deleted.

For redemption of Tomra deposit receipts the following parameters has to be set in up MICROS Retail OSCAR POS:

·        In program Organiosation -> Branch –> Details 3 a department has to be linked in field "Deposit department".

·        For this department the option "Deposit refund" has to be set.

·        In program Application -> Organisation -> Branch -> Details 4 a value has to be entered in field "Deposit refund status deleted" to determine the number of saving days for the Tomra deposit receipts in the database. Once the time entered here has elapsed the state data of Tomra receipts can be deleted from the database with the report Application -> Item -> Deposit receipts ->"Deposit receipt state".

·        In program Application -> Organisation -> Branch -> EAN parameter the parameter for reading the deposit receipts has to be set up (see EAN code Tomra deposit receipt).

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin