Shelf label print

In the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application, the following options for the printing of barcode labels are available. Please note that only labels with a valid EAN no. will be printed.

Label Print on Laser Printer

In order to print labels on a laser printer, proceed as follows:

  1. Create a label with the update program Shelf Label.
    Program call-up= Application -> Item -> Shelf Label
  2. Link the appropriate items to this Label Type.
    Program call-up = Application -> Item -> Item -> Labels
  3. Printing labels on a laser printer can be carried out either from the update program Item via the menu Report -> Basic Data -> Print Label or from the update program Supplier Item via the menu Report -> Print label supp.

Automatic Label Print on a Laser Printer

In order to print labels on a laser printer, proceed as follows:

  1. Create a label with the update program Shelf Label.
    Program call-up= Application -> Item -> Shelf Label
  2. Click on the button Label Trigger to open the update program Label Trigger.
    Define the conditions (e.g. only with an item price change) under which a transaction record for the automatic label trigger is to be created.
  3. Link the appropriate items to this Label Type.
    Program call-up = Application -> Item -> Item -> Labels
  4. Printing labels on a laser printer can be carried out from the update program Label Batch via the button Create Label.
    Program call-up = Application -> Organisation -> Branch -> Label Batch
  5. After starting the program via the button Create Label, the transaction records for all labels that meet the conditions (e.g. all labels for items of which the price has been changed) for the automatic label print will be created. Subsequently, the labels are printed automatically.
    The transaction records can be viewed after the print via the update program Trans. Label.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin