MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Installation with an empty server database

The installation of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application usually happens by use of an installation program. Alternatively, the installation can be carried out manually, i.e. the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program files exist in the form of a *.zip file.

As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 4.3 installation and licence files will be supplied as exe files. More information can be found in the documentation MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Version check.

The configuration required for the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application can be carried out manually or with a wizard and the appropriate configuration files.

Installation advices for certain operating systems, e. g. ""Windows 7 / Windows Server2008" are described in the document Installing MICROS Retail OSCAR POS.

 The configuration by use of a wizard is described in the documentation MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Wizard.

The following program description will inform you about how to carry out the installation and configuration manually.

The following procedure assumes a manual installation, i.e. that the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application files exist in the form of a *.zip file or as an exe file (as from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 4.3).

With the installation with the help of an installation program, many of the steps described below will be carried out automatically during the installation procedure.

When carrying out the manual installation and configuration of a new MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program for WIN-NT, you have to adhere to the following order of actions:

  1. The signed on user must have the administration rights for the installation.
  2. The network service must be set up with a valid TCP/IP no.
  3. The processor name (hostname) must be know to allow it to be linked to the system unit during the installation procedure.
  4. Create a directory (e.g. \usr\oscar3) by decompressing the program files with the command unzip Archivname*.zip.
  5. As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 4.3 the exe file is unpacked with command "–x" entpackt.
  6. Change to directory \usr\oscar3\work\
  7. Enter command "oscar installOCX"
  8. Enter command " oscar installService username password"
    (e.g. if you are programmed as administrator with user name "Anker" and password "test" the command "oscar installService Anker test" must be carrid out so that the Oscar Daemon service with administrator rights can be started.
  9. Enter the command "oscar addAscFiles" to select the language for the database texts (DbText) and the texts for the user interface.
  10. Then enter commands "oscar init DbText" and "oscar init UiText" and the texts for the selected language will be loaded from the database..
  11. Edit in directory ..\bin die Datei oscar.ini
    (lines at the beginning of a line with underline will be deactivated)
  12. [paths]
    helppath="D:\usr\oscar3\" (directory of MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program files)
    MICROS Retail OSCAR POS_SERVER= (TCP/IP processor address of server database)
    MICROS Retail OSCAR POS_INSTALLATION=1 (number of installation)
    OSCAR_LANG=1 (number of language set 1 =German; 2=English; 3 = Francais etc.)
    OSCAR_HOSTNAME=processor name
  13. Create a directory \usr\oscar3\work.srv
  14. Create an empty server database with command ..\work\ oscar init eine leere Server-Datenbank
  15. Enter command ..\work\ oscar dofgl.fgl Deutsch
    As from MICROS Retail OSCAR POS version 2.1 the multi-document user interface will be standard. A conversion is no longer necessary as this will be initiated with command oscar dofgl.fgl Landessprache. If the old standard user interface is to be used for any reason, the command oscar dofgl2.fgl Landessprache is required.
  16. Start the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application with command ..\work\ oscar singleuser

Then program the following basic data to start the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application in multi-user operation.

14 Company
15 Price List
16 VAT
17 Installation with license data
18 System unit with descriptor) (ATTENTION!!! The computer name must be spelled exactly like the hostname).
19 Process Unit (Server, Daemon, Client)

Use the following number ranges for the appropriate processing units:

  1. Branch
  2. Profit center
  3. Terminal
  4. Operator (additional data, price list)

End the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application and start the program in multi-user mode using of the command ..\work\ oscar start.

All other basic data will be created in multi-user mode.

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MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin