Offline messages for terminals

The online and offline conditions of the terminals configured can be stored in the system. This allows, for example, for an alert message to be sent to a terminal which is offline if reports are called up at the administration terminal. During call up of report chains, no warning messages are shown at the administration terminal. An additional report must be included in the report chain (see Report chains for offline terminals).


The prerequisite for automatic recognition of online and offline conditions in the terminal is that a process unit for an Alert manager has been set up.


The online and offline conditions of a terminal are stored in the system and can be displayed with program System -> Configuration -> Process unit status.


When the operator calls up a report at the administration terminal and if this includes an interval and date as selection criteria, a check is carried out with the process unit status as to whether the terminals are in offline mode at that period in time. The operator can ignore this message or can discontinue the report. Reports printed in spite of the offline message are marked accordingly in the header data.


Terminals which have been set to offline intentionally, e.g. for maintenance work, can be deactivated or re-activated with call up of report "Activate / Deactivate processes".


This report is available in the following update programs:



A review of the offline times for branches and terminals can be printed out with report "Data complete".


This report is available in the following programs:



The offline check does not affect reports printed on the terminal and does not apply to status reports, e.g. customer status report, reports with operator accounting periods and for non-statistical reports (e.g. basic data reports).

Report chains for offline terminals

If online/offline check of terminal is required for report chains the report "Offline check chain report" (=LstChainOfflCheck) must be in first position in the report chain.


Depending on the selection criteria this report checks whether terminals are offline. If no offline terminals are recognised, the report chain is processed as usual. If offline terminals are found in the system, the report chain processing will be stopped and a warning goes out to the operator. The ensuing dialog allows the operator to decide whether the report chain is to continue or whether it is to be discontinued.


The warning message indicating offline terminals during a report chain can be suppressed by setting parameter "ShortReport" (= no query) in report "Offline check chain report" in the report chain parameters. In such a case, there will be no dialog if an offline terminal is found. However, the header data of the report shows the text "!!!
Terminals offline- re-print report !!!".

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