SCO Interface (USCAN

The SCO interface (SCO = SelfCheckOut) of MICROS Retail OSCAR POS allows the communication with the Fujitsu USCAN Self-Check-Out system.


Each Terminal which should communicate with the USCAN Self-Check-Out system has to be configured as follow:



The the environment variable "OSCAR_OPTIONS= SelfCheckOut" in the file "oscar.ini" is is a prerequisite for this functionality.

After changing the environment variable "OSCAR_OPTIONS=" the following commands must be executed to ensure that the changes are activated in MICROS Retail OSCAR POS (

SCO configuration

In program Application -> Organisation -> Terminal -> Add. Data, the SCO configuration parameter has to be assigned in the field SCO configuration.


In program Application -> Organisation -> Terminal -> Add. Data -> SCO configuration the following parameters has to be set.



MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin