Working time for employee

The time worked by the employees stored in the system can be recorded if the data for the working time has been defined in Application -> Employee -> Operator ->

The maximum hours worked each day, the regular working hours per day for each day of the week, the maximum number of hours overtime permitted per working day and, as an option, a working time plan.

Moreover, the type of working time recording can be defined for each employee. The user can define whether the working time is recorded on the basis of the defined normal working time or whether the working time is to be recorded on the basis of a working time plan. In addition, the user can also define that the working time of the operation is recorded from sign-on and sign-off operations at the checkout with event "CLOCK".


The following describes the various types of working time recording;


Working time recording on the basis of a working time plan

Working time recorded on the basis of a working time plan should be programmed with the appropriate data in program Application -> Employee -> Working time plan . The day of the week on which this plan is to apply should be defined.





The working time plans must be linked to every day of the week in program Application -> Employee -> Operator -> and activated with option "Create working time plan".


The hours worked are recorded with program Application -> Employee -> Working time.

The operator is selected and the starting date for the beginning of the week is entered in the working time calculation. The start date is always Sunday. The program checks the entry and replaces any incorrect entries with the correct date for a Sunday.

After entry of the main data, the user should change to the appropriate window with "Working time data" to enter the working time data for each day of the week for the appropriate working time plan. The entries are checked on the basis of the maximum hours permitted and the working time plan of each week day and incorrect entries are acknowledged with an error message.

The data should be stored after entry of all details and the recording finalised with "Execute". The data for the working time cannot be changed after finalisation.

Various reports for Working time data can be printed out with program Application -> Employee -> Working time.

Working time plan in conjunction with normal hours worked

If the option "Create working time plan" is defined in Application -> Employee -> Operator -> and if Create normal working time has been activated, the working time for all linked work plans can be drawn up from depression of "First, Working time". The working time data can then be changed manually before it is stored and can be finalised with "Execute".

The various reports for Working time data can be printed out with program Application -> Employee -> Working time.

Working time recording with key event "CLOCK"

The working time data of an employee can be recorded at the administration desk as follows in addition to the working time recorded.



The working time can only be recorded with key event "CLOCK" outside receipt operations at the checkout as follows:


Sign-on and sign-off are possible several times during the day. The overall working time is automatically stored in the working time data.


The times recorded at the checkout are transferred to the administration desk and are stored for the linked working time plan with program Application -> Employee -> Working time. The data can be changed manually before the data is stored and can be finalised with "Execute".

Various reports for the working time data can be printed out with program Application -> Employee -> Working time.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin