Working with the Toolbar

In all application programs, there is a toolbar. The Command Buttons on the Toolbar are commonly used commands in the system, such as store, delete, print. These commands can be initiated simply by clicking on the appropriate buttons. The Toolbar also contains buttons which help accessing data within a record or navigating within a file.

Depending on the run of the program, the respective buttons can be active or inactive, i.e. the button is shaded if the command is not executable.


 Search active

 Search inactive

Command Buttons

The command buttons on the Toolbar are categorised into 4 different groups:

Group 1

 Program change



 Selection menu

 Selection menu

Group 2

  On-/ Off Navigation



tbundo.gif Clear mask





Group 3

With the group 3 buttons, you can navigate within the data file.

 First record

 Previous record

tbfilevor.gif Next record

tblastfile.gif Last record

Group 4


 Help (Mouse)

 Click on the image to return to Table of Contents.

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