File Backup in UNIX for the Purpose of the Restoration in Windows

In the chapter File Backup on Streamer Tape (UNIX), you are informed about how to carry out a file backup in UNIX to restore the data in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application in UNIX if necessary. This chapter describes how to backup data (on floppy disks) on the UNIX level and process it so that it can be copied back to the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application in Windows operating system.

The data restoration is described in the chapter Restoring Data backed up in UNIX in Windows from Floppy Disk.

Carry out a file backup as follows:

  1. Enter the directory /usr/oscar/oscDate/work.srv
  2. Create a new directory with the name data by entering mkdir data
  3. By use of the command copy *.DAT /usr/oscar/oscDate/work.srv/data you copy the movement data to the new directory data.
  4. By use of the command copy *.IDX /usr/oscar/oscDate/work.srv/data you copy the indices to the new directory data.
  5. Enter the directory data by use of the command cd data.
  6. Copy the program zip to the directory data.
  7. Create a zip archive by use of the command ./zip Name *.*


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D-10587 Berlin