Help Topics

The menu Help is the last menu on the Menu bar. If you choose the command Help from the Menu bar, a list of Help topics will be displayed.

To select a specific help topic from the menu Help, do the following:

  1. Click on the menu Help.
  2. Click on the desired Help topic


  1. Press the keys <ALT> + H
  2. Enter the underlined letter of the desired Help topic. Or press the <UP ARROW> key or the <DOWN ARROW > key to get to the desired Help topic, and then press the <ENTER> key.

The following Help topics can be selected:

About Help

By clicking the menu command about Help, information about the Online Help can be obtained. For example, information about the different ways of getting the Online Help is available. If the Online Help is accessed for the first time, read about Help from the Help menu of the Menu bar.

About Program

By clicking the menu command about Program, you can obtain a detailed description of the application program which you are currently working with. You can obtain general information about the program functions and the additional helpful instructions to work with the system. You can also branch to other Help topics using the hyperlinks in the Online Help.

General help

After clicking on to menu General help a directory is opened where further help topics are provided with detailed descriptions of various functions and procedures in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program.

After call-up of a help topic listed there, the system goes to the appropriate cross reference (hyperlinks) of other help texts.

About User Interface

By clicking the menu command about User Interface, you will obtain an extensive description of using the graphical user interface of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Program.

If you are not yet familiar with the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Program, this Help information is probably the most important. Here, the necessary basic information of using the system is described.

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Program contains all programs which you need for a easy and efficient administration of your operation and basic data.

About Keyboard

If you require the information about the different Keyboards and their set-ups with the specific function keys, click on the menu command about Keyboard.


An Index can be called up with this command. This allows for immediate access to subjects in the online help.

Permanent Help

If you need Help information always to be on the screen while working with the system, you can activate the Permanent Help switch.

If this switch is active, the Help information of each input field, with which you are working in the active program, will be shown on the screen.

When the switch is deactivated, the Help information is only displayed when the <F1> key is pressed.

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MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin