
The documentation below describes the handling and configuration of the various keyboards.

The POS program is operated via a POS keyboard which can be adapted to the special requirements of the user.

Devices with keyboards

Operating module new (TopCash)

A keyboard is set up for this device with update program Keyboard.

Individual keys and the keyboard events and booking functions are described under Keys and booking functions.

ADS keyboard (TopKey)

A keyboard for this device is set up with program Keyboard.

Individual keys with the keyboard events and the respective booking function for the keys on the keyboard are described Keys and booking functions.

Operating module old (ADS 48)

A keyboard for this device is set up with program Keyboard.

Individual keys with the keyboard events and the respective booking function for the keys on the keyboard are described Keys and booking functions.  


A touchscreen can be connected up as a standard device instead of the keyboard. The screen menu of a touchscreen is sensitive to touch. All keys required for operation of the application are shown on the screen as switches and a touch on them releases the function..

A detailed description of how to set up a touchscreen in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program can be found under Touchscreen installation.

The Standard PC Keyboard

The standard PC keyboard can be found on every system unit as the standard input device. This is used as is the mouse to operate the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program. The standard PC keyboard is normally used for operating and data input of the update programs.

In special cases it is possible to make entries for the POS program via the standard PC keyboard. In such a case, the appropriate device must be set up with program PC POS keyboard together with the Keyboard table.

Please note that the arrangement of keys for the PC POS keyboard (rows and columns) varies from the layout of a POS keyboard, e.g. operating modules, Topkey, etc. The keyboard positions can be found in the description PC POS keyboard plan.

Normally, however, a special POS keyboard with the appropriate function keys programmed is connected to operate the program.

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MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin