Cashier Account at the Administration Terminal

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application allows you to carry out a cashier account report at the administration terminal via

The POS Declared Entry

The POS declared entry is described under Declared Entry at the Administration Terminal. Help on the setting of parameters can be found under Parameters that influence the Declared Entry. Therefore, the declared entry will only be outlined in the following.

The POS declared entry can be carried out for one or more cashiers. This is only possible if no cashier has logged on at the POS terminal (an intermediate logoff is sufficient).

The cashier account via only the POS declared entry requires setting the parameter "IncOpAccount"  to "1"  in the file "runDeclEntry.fgl" (in the fgl directory). By this, in the course of the POS,


Cashier Reports

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application provides several reports on the cashier account. You will find reports with a purely informational character but also reports that – partially optionally, i.e after an appropriate selection in a window – close the current account period and open a new one.


A detailed description of all reports on the operator account can be found under Operator Account Report - Reporting. The following will only describe

Waiter Account [Cashier Account]

  1. You receive the data of the selected operators of the current account period.
  2. The operator can be booked via this report.
  3. The report can be accessed via Operator-> Report -> Booking Money Statistics.

Waiter Account [Cashier Account] - single

  1. You receive the data of the logged on operator of the current account period.
  2. The operator will be automatically booked via this report.
  3. The report can be accessed via Operator-> Report -> Booking Money Statistics.

Old Account Period Operator / Date

  1. You receive the data of the selected operators of already closed account periods. Selection criterion: Date.
  2. The report is only for information.
  3. The report can be accessed via Operator-> Report -> Booking Money Statistics.

Old Account period Operator / Account Period

  1. You receive the data of the selected operators of already closed account periods. Selection criterion: Account period.
  2. The report is only for information.
  3. The report can be accessed via Operator-> Report -> Booking Money Statistics.

Booking Statistics Operator Account

  1. You receive the data of the selected operators of the current account period.
  2. The operator can be booked via this report.
  3. The report can be accessed via Operator-> Report -> Booking Statistics.

Money Statistics Operator Account

  1. You receive the data of the selected operator of already closed account periods.
  2. The report is only for information.
  3. The report can be accessed via Operator-> Report -> Money Statistics.

Operator State List

  1. You receive the state-referring data (incl. state and no. of the selected account period) of all selected operators.
  2. The report is only for information.
  3. The report can be accessed via Operator-> Report -> Basic Data.

Booking Transaction Operator Account

  1. You receive – among others – data (Begin / End Times etc.) on the selected (closed / current) account period of the selected operator.
  2. The report is only for information.
  3. The report can be accessed via Operator -> Booking Transaction.

Money Transaction Operator Account

  1. You receive the calculated values referring to the payment types of the selected operator of the selected account period.
  2. The report is only for information.
  3. The report can be accessed via Operator-> Report -> Money Transactions.

Operator State

  1. You receive – among others – the no. and turnover of the current account period of the selected operator.
  2. The report is only for information.
  3. The report can be accessed via Operator -> Basic Data.

POS Declared Entry and Cashier Reports

You can carry out the cashier account via a combination of the POS declared entry and cashier reports. You can carry out the actual cashier account, i.e. close the old account period and open a new one, via the POS declared entry after – optionally – viewing various non-accounting reports for information. You can also account via cashier reports after– optionally – carrying out a budget / turnover comparison.

More information on how to carry out a POS declared entry and the operator reports can be found in the description above.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin