Drink Dispenser

Different drink dispensers from other manufacturers such as coffee machines or beer taps can be connected to the system units.

At the moment, the connections of the following drink dispensers are supported by the system:

Beverage dispensers can be operated in two different operation modes, Self Service and Supervised Dispensing.

  1. Self Service
    In self service operation mode, all articles can be drawn unlimitedly at the dispensers as soon as a waiter is signed on. The self service mode is only meaningful when the terminal is set up with a table number system, i.e., guest checks are used. In this case, the dispenser should only be released after a table number has been entered, so that the article sold can be settled at the terminal.
    Please note that any restrictions to the waiter relating to the table number, profit center, etc. will not be checked by the dispensers and are therefore irrelevant here.

    Items are linked to drink dispensers via tables which can differ at every terminal. Therefore, the internal item no. of the drink dispenser can be converted to an item no. of the terminal for each device in operation mode Self-service. Drink dispenser recordings which cannot be linked in the system during the validity check are booked on so-called default tables, operators and items.
  2. Supervised Dispensing (credit debit mode)
    In the operation mode of supervised dispensing, the dispenser is only released when a corresponding article has been posted at the cash register. This is basically a normal sales posting, therefore, all the defined restrictions, such as table number restriction for waiters, are applicable.

    Items are linked to drink dispensers via tables which can differ at every terminal. This means that the same item can be dispensed per terminal at different drink dispensers in operation mode Supervised dispensing.

Self Service Mode

The installation of beverage dispensers in the Self Service operation mode is performed as followed:

  1. Installing a Process Unit of the type Oscar-Client.
  2. Installing a Device of the type beverage dispenser.
  3. Installing a Terminal of the type Drink Dispenser Terminal.
  4. Setting up the Drink Dispenser Parameter and assigning the drink dispenser articles to the terminal articles.

Supervised Dispensing Mode

The installation of beverage dispensers in the Supervised Dispensing operation mode is performed as followed:

  1. Installing a Process Unit of the type Oscar-Device.
  2. Installing a Device of the type beverage dispenser.
  3. Create a drink dispenser table with program Dispenser table to be able to assign the appropriate devices to the various drink dispensers (cp. 1 - 2).
  4. Link the Terminal on which the drink is to be booked to the appropriate drink dispenser table
  5. Update the linked Device item group in program Item -> Devices for the appropriae Dispenser type in which the link of terminal items to drink dispenser items has been defined.

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MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin