
The program description deals with the following:

Devices marked with (w), (s) or (P) can only be used in specified operating systems.

The devices of the same type are compiled into the following device groups.

Click onto one of the following device groups for help with installation for the appropriate devices:

Remarks on program function

The data of devices can be updated, i.e. programmed, changed or cleared, with this program. Data which already exists can be displayed for information. A variety of different devices can be connected up to system units. These are required for operation of an MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program.

Devices are linked directly to an installation and a specific processing unit. A unique device no. and the name are assigned to each device.

Remarks on data fields

The following description deals with all available options for update of basic data.

As with nearly all programs the following also applies here:

Device group

Field with firmly defined selection options

Devices of the same type are compiled into the following device groups.

Select the device group first and then select the appropriate device which is to be configured for a specific processing unit in field Device type.

Device type

Field with firmly defined selection options

After selecting a specific device group the user can then select the appropriate device type in this field.


  1. Op.module new (TopCash)
  2. Op.module comp. (ADS 48)
  3.  ADS keyboard (TopKey)
    The TopKey keyboard can also be programmed as a replacement for a PC MF keyboard (see "TopKey / MF-Tastatur")
  4. PC keyboard
    The PC MF keyboard can be assigned with special keyboard events for operation of the ECR keyboard.
  5. PS2-Tastatur
  6. Generic PS2 Device
  7. Generic COM Device
  8. RIVA keyboard (w)
  9. SNI Keyboard (P)


  1. SAM Customer Display
  2. ADS LCD
  3. Riva Customer Display
  4. Generic Display
  5. Virtual Display

Report printer

  1. Line printer
  2. RTF printer


  1. Scanner
  2. Ser. Scanner
  3. Virtual scanner
  4. Pos Vs Coupon Reader


  1. Scales
  2. Scales (EW 300)

Cash printer (remote printer)

Various Epson printers can be operated via an IP interface (UB-E01) instead of a COM interface. In this case, a device interface should be programmed under System -> Configuration -> Interface type with a free device number and this should be linked to the printer.

  1. Epson
  2. Virtueller Drucker
  3. SCO printer
  4. HTML Printer

Fiscal printer

  1. Posnet Printer (PL) (Poland)


Fiscal Unit


  1. Kitchen printer

Eft (payment terminal)

  1. G&D Winkel
  2. Cetrel MPD
  3. EFT VEZ 5.1
  4. EFT DK Point V2/V3
  5. EFT DK Point V2.1.0.0
  6. Verifone Ocius C&P
  7. ZVT Standard
  8. Lufthansa-ZVT
  9. EFT Wynid WCL CB5
  10. EFT link
  11. cCredit OPI POS
  12. Virtual EFT
  13. CCV ITS
  14. DvEFTTest

Wireless EFT

  1. Xenta Spin-Connect
  2. Virtual wireless EFT

Mobil payment

  1. Valuephone


  1. PP ADS (P)
  2. B-Proto / BSC async
  3. TCP modem
  4. TCP communication
  5. RVM communication (s)
  6. Modem (s)
  7.  SSL


  1. OPOS Display (w)
  2. OPOS Drawer (w)
  3. OPOS Keyboard (w)
  4. OPOS Lock (w)
  5. OPOS Printer (w)
  6. OPOS Scanner (w)
  7. OPOS Beeper (w)
  8. OPOS MC Reader (w)
  9. OPOS fiscal printer


  1. Remote
  2. Cash drawer
  3. Beetle drawer (P)
  4. Generic drawer
  5. Virtual drawer
  6. ADS lock
  7. Virtual lock
  8. Radio Terminal
  9. Orderman
  10. ADS POScard RAM
  11. Filemonitor
  12. Virtual RAM


Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

Enter the number of the installation to which this device is/has been linked. The name of the installation appears on the right-hand side. No device can be programmed without this linkage.

Enter a free no. in the key fields for programming of a new installation.

Call up the data record with a no. entry in the key fields if changes or clear operations are necessary. If the number is not known, the data record can be selected with the search function.

Process unit

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

Enter the number of the process unit to which the device is/has been programmed. The name of the processing unit is then shown on the right-hand side. No device can be programmed without this linkage.

Enter a free no. in the key fields for programming of a new processing unit.

Call up the data record with a no. entry in the key fields if changes or clear operations are necessary. If the number is not known, the data record can be selected with the search function .

Device no.

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

Enter the number of the device in this field. Please ensure that various number ranges are assigned to specific devices to ensure clarity in the data (e.g. 10 to 20 for printers, 30 to 40 for operating modules, etc.).

Enter a free no. key fields for programming of a new device.

Call up the data record with a no. entry in the key fields if changes or clear operations are necessary. If the number is not known, the data record can be selected with the search function .

Any number can be linked to each device. However, our recommendation is to use specific number ranges for each device type to ensure that the data remains clear to interpret.  


Entry range permitted: alphanumeric max. 20 pos.

Enter the name of the device in this field. Any name can be chosen. Please ensure that the name describes the unit to allow for clarity in your data (e.g. MF printer Unit 6, etc.).

Device interface

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

Enter the number of the Interface to which this device is/has been connected. Please ensure that the interface on this system unit has not been linked to another device.

If the number is not known, the data record can be selected with the search function.

A series of device interfaces is offered as a standard in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program. After installation of up to two POS boards, the system units can support further interfaces.

 Click onto the graphic for further help with installation of POS boards.

Serial no.

Entry range permitted: alphanumeric max. 32 pos.

Enter the serial no. of this device in this field.


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin