Working with Item Ship Via Overrides

Item ship via overrides are the shippers that can be used to deliver a particular item to its destination, even if the other items on the order are delivered by another ship via.

Each shipper that qualifies as an item ship via override is defined in the Item Ship Via Override table for the item.

• If the shipper qualifies as a ship via override for the item, the shipper can be used to deliver the item to its destination.

• If the shipper does not qualify as a ship via override for the item, the shipper cannot be used to deliver the item to its destination.

Note: If records do not exist in the Item Ship Via Override table for an item, any valid, qualifying shipper in the Ship Via table can be used to deliver the item to its destination.

In this chapter:

Item Ship Via Override Logic

Select Ship Via for Override Screen

Item Ship Via Override Logic

When you add an item to an order the system looks at the Item Ship Via Override table to determine if the ship via on the order header is an eligible shipper for the item; if the ship via on the order header is not an eligible shipper for the item, the system displays a Ship Via Overrides for Item Window, requesting you to select an eligible shipper for the item on the order line. The system assigns the eligible shipper to the item on the order line; however, the system does not override the existing shipper on the order header.

Example: You enter an order containing items with records in the Item Ship Via Override table.

Ship via on order header: 3


Ship via override



ship vias 1 and 2

When you add item AB101 to the order, the Ship Via Overrides for Item window opens where you must select an eligible shipper (1 or 2) for the item before adding the order line to the order.


ship vias 1 and 3

When you add item BC202 to the order, the system does not assign a ship via to the order line and instead uses the default ship via on the order header (ship via 3) as the shipper.


ship vias 1 and 2

When you add item CD303 to the order, the Ship Via Overrides for Item window opens where you must select an eligible shipper (1 or 2) for the item before adding the order line to the order.


no ship via overrides defined

When you add item DE404 to the order, the system does not assign a ship via to the order line and instead uses the ship via on the order header (ship via 3) as the shipper.

When does the item ship via override take place? The system evaluates the shipper assigned to ship the item to its destination in the following places.


Validation Takes Place When

Order entry and maintenance

You select OK to add the item to the order.

You select OK to accept any changes you made to the order line at the Work with Order Line Screen (Changing/Adding an Item).

You select Accept or Add Recipient to accept the order if the order is eligible for other ship via overrides or you have changed the ship via on the order header since adding the item to the order.

Note: The system does not evaluate the ship via for items on a customer membership. However, if you go into order maintenance for that customer membership, the system will then evaluate the ship via for the items on the order.

Batch order entry

You select OK to add the item to the order.

You select OK to accept any changes you made to the order line at the Work with Order Line screen.

You select Accept or Add Recipient to accept the order if the order is eligible for other ship via overrides or you have changed the ship via on the order header since adding the item to the order.

Generic order processing

The Order Processor job processes the incoming order. If the ship via for an item on the incoming order is not eligible to ship the item, the order is placed in an error status and must be corrected in batch order entry. See Generic Order Interface (Order API).

What items are evaluated? The system evaluates every item added to an order to determine if records exist in the Item Ship Via Override table for the item, regardless of whether the item is backordered, soldout, added as a free gift, etc.

If the ship via assigned to the item is not eligible, the system displays the Ship Via Overrides for Item Window, requiring you to select an eligible shipper.

Note: If you use the Process Substitute Items Screen to replace an open, unreserved item on the order with another item, the system does not validate that the ship via on the order is eligible to ship the new item; you must go into order maintenance to validate the shipper assigned to the new item.

What if you override the ship via on the order header? If you override the ship via on the order header, the system reevaluates each order line whose Ship via field is blank to determine if the new ship via on the order header is eligible to ship the item. If the new ship via on the order header is not eligible, the system displays the Ship Via Overrides for Item Window for each item that cannot ship using the ship via on the order header, requiring you to select an eligible ship via for the item on the order line.

What if the item qualifies for more than one item ship via override? Each ship via that qualifies as an eligible shipper for the item displays in the Ship Via Overrides for Item Window, where you can select which shipper you wish to use to deliver the item to its destination. Any ship via that does not have a record in the Item Ship Via Override table for the item, does not display in the Ship Via Overrides for Item window.

What if you override the ship via on the order line? If you override the ship via on the order line, the system verifies that the ship via you define is eligible for the item, based on the records in the Item Ship Via Override table for the item. If the ship via you define does not exist in the Item Ship Via Override table for the item, the Ship Via Overrides for Item Window opens, requiring you to select an eligible ship via.

Valid SCF/Ship Via required: In order for the item ship via override to apply to an order line, the override ship via must already be set up with the SCF on the order shipping address as a valid SCF/ship via combination. If the SCF/ship via is not valid combination, the item ship via override will not apply to the order.

Downloading item ship via overrides to e-commerce: When you download items using the Downloading E-Commerce Offer Files (EOFR) menu option, if an item being downloaded has records in the Item Ship Via Override table, the system also downloads the item ship via override records to the EC Item Ship Via Override Download table.

Note: The setting of the Download to e-commerce field defined for a ship via in the Ship Via table controls whether the ship via is eligible to download to e-commerce using the SCF/Ship Via download program; however, this field does not control the downloading of item ship via overrides.

Prompting on ship via: If records exist in the Item Ship Via Override table for an item, when you prompt on the Ship via field for an item, the system displays only those shippers that are eligible to ship the item. If you enter a ship via for an item that is not an item ship via override an error message indicates: Invalid ship via for item. If item ship via overrides do not exist for the item, you can define any valid ship via code in this field.

Are there other ship via overrides that might apply to the order? There are several other ways you can apply a ship via override to an order; however, item ship via overrides take precedence over any other ship via override. See Ship Via Override Hierarchy for information on the hierarchy in which the overrides take place.

Interaction Between Item Ship Via Overrides and Other Ship Via Overrides


How does this override relate to the item ship via override?


If there is a Ship via specified for an item, the system defaults this ship via code to the order line.

However, if there are any records in the Item Ship Via Override table for the item, the system requires you to enter an eligible shipper in the Ship via field for the item in order entry. This way, only an eligible shipper defaults as the ship via on the order line.


If an order, or shipping address on an order, qualifies for a promotion with a ship via override, the system changes the ship via on the order header when you select Accept or select Add Recipient to accept the order.

However, if the ship via override from the promotion is not a valid shipper for each item on the order that does not already have a ship via override, the system does not apply the ship via override from the promotion to the order.

See Working with Promotions (WPRO) for more information on defining a ship via override for a promotion.

Default Van Delivery Ship Via

If the order qualifies for van delivery, the system defaults the ship via defined in the Default Van Delivery Ship Via (L07) system control value to the order header. Any order lines that do not have a ship via code defined, use the van delivery ship via code.

However, if there are any records in the Item Ship Via Override table for the item, and the van delivery ship via code is not an eligible shipper for the item, the system displays the Ship Via Overrides for Item Window when you add the item to the order, requiring you to select a shipper other than the van delivery ship via for the order line.

See Determining if an Order Qualifies for Van Delivery for an overview.

Zip/Ship Via

If the ship via on the order header allows auto-assignment of carrier (the ship via’s Allow auto assignment field is selected) and a default ship via is defined for the postal code on the order, the system changes the ship via for the ship to customer to the default ship via for the postal code.

However, if the zip ship via override is not a valid shipper for each item on the order that does not already have a ship via on the order line, the system still defaults the zip ship via override to the order header, but displays the Ship Via Overrides for Item Window for each item that requires a valid ship via, based on the Item Ship Via Override table.

See Working with Zip/Ship Via (WZSV).

Best Way Ship Via

If you select a best way ship via from the Alternate Shipping Charges by Via Window in order entry, or the system assigns a best way ship via automatically, it changes the ship via on the order header to the best way ship via. See Working with Best Way Ship Vias for more information.

However, if the best way ship via is not a valid shipper for each item on the order that does not already have a ship via assigned, the system still defaults the best way ship via to the order header, but displays the Ship Via Overrides for Item Window for each item that requires a valid ship via, based on the Item Ship Via Override table.

Offer Ship Via

If an order, or shipping address on an order, qualifies for an offer ship via override, the system changes the ship via on the order header when you select Accept or Add Recipient to accept the order.

However, if the offer ship via override is not a valid shipper for each item on an order line whose Ship via field is blank, the system does not apply the offer ship via override to the order. If you add an item after the offer ship via override has been assigned to the order and the offer ship via override is not eligible for that item, the system displays the Ship Via Overrides for Item Window, requiring you to select an eligible shipper for the item.

See Working with Offer Ship Via Assignment (WSVA).

SCF Preferred Ship Via

If a Preferred ship via is defined for the SCF and the Allow auto assignment field for the ship via is selected, the system updates the Ship via on the order header to the preferred ship via.

However, if the preferred ship via for the SCF is not a valid shipper for each item on the order that does not already have a ship via assignment, the system still defaults the preferred ship via to the order header, but displays the Ship Via Overrides for Item Window for each item that requires a valid ship via, based on the Item Ship Via Override table.

See Working with SCF Codes (WSCF).

Item ship via overrides during pick slip generation: If the ship via for the pick slip is not a valid shipper for the item, based on the Item Ship Via Override table, the system continues to print the pick slip.

Additionally, if you define a ship via override during pick slip generation and the ship via override is not a valid shipper for all of the items on the pick slip, the system continues to print the pick slip using the ship via override.

Select Ship Via for Override Screen

Use this screen to review the ship via overrides eligible for an item. You can select which ship vias can be used to ship the item to its destination. All ship vias defined in the Ship Via table display on this screen.

The Selected field indicates if the shipper qualifies as a ship via override for the item. When you first advance to this screen, all ship vias are unselected.

• If the Selected field is selected, the shipper qualifies as a ship via override for the item and can be used to deliver the item to its destination. The system creates a record in the Item Ship Via Override table for the item and ship via combination.

• If the Selected field is unselected, the shipper does not qualify as a ship via override for the item and cannot be used to deliver the item to its destination.

• If the Selected field is unselected for all ship vias that display on the screen, you have not defined any ship via overrides for the item and all shippers are eligible to deliver the item to its destination.

How to display this screen: Select Ship Via Override for an item at the Work with Items screen and select OK.




The code and description of the item for which you wish to define ship via overrides.

Item code: Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Item description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The code for a shipper you can select as a ship via override for the item.

Ship via codes are defined in and validated against the Ship Via table.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.


A description of the shipper.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Via pty (Ship via priority)

A value assigned to the shipper that controls how the system allocates inventory to backorders or reserves inventory during Batch Reservation. Valid values are 0 - 9, where 0 is the lowest priority and 9 is the highest priority.

Numeric, 1 position; display-only.

Sel (Selected?)

Indicates if the shipper qualifies as a ship via override for the item.

Selected = The shipper qualifies as a ship via override for the item; you can use this shipper to deliver the item to its destination.

Unselected = The shipper does not qualify as a ship via override for the item; you cannot use this shipper to deliver the item to its destination.

Note: If this field is blank for all ship vias that display on this screen, you have not defined any ship via overrides for the item and all shippers are eligible to deliver the item to its destination.

Screen Option


Select a shipper as a ship via override for the item; selected shippers can be used to deliver the item to its destination

Select the shipper.

The system updates the Selected field to Y, indicating the shipper qualifies as a ship via override for the item.

Deselect a shipper as a ship via override for the item; unselected shippers cannot be used to deliver the item to its destination

Deselect the shipper.

The system updates the Selected field to blank, indicating the shipper does not qualify as a ship via override for the item.

Select all shippers as ship via overrides for the item; any shipper can be used to deliver the item to its destination

Select Select All.

The system selects the Selected flag for all shippers, indicating all shippers qualify as a ship via override for the item.

Note: The system creates a record in the Item Ship Via Override table for each ship via/item combination.

Toggle to view all shippers or only view shippers that qualify as ship via overrides for the item

Select Toggle All/Selected.

When you first advance to the screen, all shippers display.

ME03_12 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN