Processing Item Substitutions (PSUB)

Purpose: Use the Process Substitute Items menu option to cancel any order lines for a given item and add a substitute item to each order.

Overview: When you use this menu option, you specify the item to cancel, the item to add, and the cancel reason to use for the substitution. Only open, unreserved order lines are eligible for item substitution. Items that reserve automatically, such as membership items, are not eligible. Also, order lines that have been submitted to the Order Broker for fulfillment are not eligible; see Order Broker Integration for more information.

Optionally, you can also:

• select only orders with certain shippers

• set a maximum number of units to substitute

• use a different price for the substitute item or add it at no charge

• recalculate freight

• add pick slip messages for the orders

This menu option generates a batch job which processes the item substitution and produces a report listing each affected order.

Quotes: Order lines that are on quotes are not eligible for item substitution; see Entering Pre-Order Quotes for an overview and required setup.

Retail pickup or delivery orders: Order lines are not eligible for item substitution if they are on retail pickup or delivery orders from the Order Broker. See the Order Broker Integration for more information.

Cancellation email: The system generates an order or order line cancellation email or Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) to the customer if:

• you have specified an Order Line Cancellation Email Program (K79), and

• the cancel reason code you use does not match the Cancel Reason Code to Suppress Email (L08), and

• the customer is eligible to receive email notifications; see When Does the System Generate an Email Notification?

See the Order Cancellation Confirmation Email Sample and Contents and Order Line Cancellation Confirmation Email Sample and Contents for more information.

In this chapter:

Process Substitute Items Screen

Order Updates

Substitute Item Processing List

Process Substitute Items Screen

How to display this screen: Enter PSUB in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Process Substitute Items from a menu.



Item/SKU (Item/SKU to be canceled)

Enter the item and SKU that should be canceled by the batch job. Only open or held, unreserved order lines are eligible for cancellation; if the line is partially reserved and partially backordered, or if it is sold out, the batch job will not cancel it.

If the item you select for cancellation has a ship via override, the system will not add the substitute item with the same ship via override, unless the override ship via is specified in the Item table.

If you do not enter a valid item code and SKU (if the item has SKUs), the screen displays an error message. See Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM) for more information on creating and working with items.

Note: Substituting a set item will not cancel its component items.

Item: 12 positions, alphanumeric; required.

SKU: three 4-position fields; required if the item has SKUs.

Cancel reason code

Enter the cancel reason code to use when canceling the item. Cancel reason codes control whether you update demand for cancellations. If the cancel reason code reduces demand, the canceled order line will have a status of X (closed); otherwise, the line will have a status of C (canceled).

Cancel reason codes are defined in and validated against the Cancel Reason Code table. See Establishing Cancel Reason Codes (WCNR).

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

Substitute item/SKU

Enter the item and SKU that should be added to the order as a substitute for the canceled item.

The system does not validate that the substitute item you enter is available in sufficient quantity to fulfill the orders updated by the batch job.

You can substitute a non-SKU’ed item with a SKU’ed item, or a SKU’ed item with a non-SKU’ed item, if necessary.

If you do not enter a valid item code and SKU (if the item has SKUs), the screen displays an error message. See Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM) for more information on creating and working with items.

If the substitute item is restricted from shipment to a country or state, the substitution will not be performed on orders with ship to addresses in the restricted area(s). See Entering Additional Item Information for more information on item country/state restrictions.

Note: If you enter a substitute item that has restricted SKUs (the Restrict field at the Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen is selected), the system displays an error message:

Cannot take orders for this item/SKU (xxxxxx xxxx).

Item: 12 positions, alphanumeric; required.

SKU: hree 4-position fields; required if the item has SKUs.

Used canceled item's price

Indicates whether to apply the unit price of the canceled item to the substitute item.

Valid values are:

Selected (default) = Use the canceled item's price for the substitute item. (Note: If the canceled item's price was zero, the substitute item will be added at no charge also.)

Unselected = Use a different price. If you unselect this field, you will need to select the Add item at no charge field or enter a price in the Substitute item price field.

Add item at no charge

Indicates whether to add the substitute item to the order at no charge. Valid values are:

Selected = Add the substitute item to the order at no charge. The Use canceled item's price field cannot be selected if this field is also selected.

Unselected (default) = Do not add the substitute item at no charge. You must either select the Use canceled item's price field, or complete the Substitute item price field.

Substitute item price

The unit price to use for the substitute item, if you are not simply using the canceled item's price or offering the substitute item at no charge. You cannot enter a substitute item price unless both the Use canceled item's price field and the Add item at no charge field are unselected; in this situation, the substitute item price is required.

If the order total changes, the order will be subject to a credit check and may go on hold if, for instance, the customer paid by check and there is now a balance due for the new total.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required if not using the canceled item price or no charge.

Price override (Price override reason code)

Enter the price override reason code to use when adding the substitute item to the order. Price override reason codes are defined in and validated against the Price Override Reason table; see Establishing Price Override Reason Codes (WPOR).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Recalculate freight

Indicates whether to recalculate freight on the order based on the item substitution.

Valid values are:

Selected = Recalculate freight based on the new merchandise total after making the item substitution.

Unselected (default) = Do not recalculate freight.

The Recalculate Freight Default (F62) system control value controls the default setting of this field, but you can override this default.

Tax: The system recalculates tax regardless of the setting of this field.

Maximum number of substitute items to process

Enter the total number of units of the original item to cancel and replace with the substitute item. The system will cancel each complete order line for the item in chronological order by order date until it reaches this maximum.

If the system cannot cancel a complete order line quantity on an order without exceeding the maximum you enter here, it skips that order line and selects the next available order line that will not exceed the maximum. For example, if there are two units remaining to cancel before exceeding the maximum, and the next order line is for five units, the system skips this order line and cancels the next order line for the item for a quantity of two or fewer.

If each open order line for the original item exceeds the maximum number you specify here, the system does not cancel any of the order lines.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Pick message line 1 and 2

Up to two lines of messages to appear on pick slips for shipment of the substitute item. These messages are added to the order line messages for each updated order. You can review order line messages by selecting Messages for an item in order inquiry; see Work with Order Line Messages Screen.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions each; optional.

Completing this screen: If you select Accept to submit the item substitution batch job, the system submits the job MASS_SUB. This job cancels each order line with the original item and adds the substitute item using the settings you entered on this screen. This job also produces the Substitute Item Processing List.

Order Updates

In addition to canceling the original item and adding the substitute item, the batch job updates each affected order as follows:

Order history: An order history message displays on the Display Order History Screen:


The user ID of the person who ran the item substitution batch job displays next to the message.

If the order goes on hold as a result of the new item price, order history messages will be available for review:


3/05/06 W User price override - Order line 11 100.00 EKAPLAN

3/05/06 M Order was maintained 341.00 EKAPLAN

Order line history: The ADD and CANCEL transactions for each affected line display on the Display Order Line History Screen. The user ID of the person who ran the item substitution batch job displays next to the transaction.

Order line messages: Any pick slips messages you entered at the Process Substitute Items screen display on the Work with Order Line Messages screen. You can display this screen by selecting Messages for an item in order inquiry; see Work with Order Line Messages Screen.

Pick slip preparation: The system removes any pick slip preparation from the order and once the item substitution updates are complete, reevaluates the order for pick slip preparation; see Preparing Orders for Pick Slip Generation.

Stored value card authorization reversal: If a stored value card payment with an open, unused authorization amount exists on the order, the system may generate a stored value card authorization reversal; see Stored Value Card Authorization Reversal.

PSUB OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN